Life’s Fragile Moments is Available Now…. (健康な土壌 = 健康な人間)
🌏Worldwide 🌎現在世界中で発売🌏
— Julian Lennon (@JulianLennon) December 4, 2024
Life’s Fragile Moments is Available Now…. Worldwide 🌎 pic.twitter.com/kPZHGKuocl
In their monthly essay, @JulianLennon and @tassoula celebrate World Soil Day with an overview of what it takes to create healthy soil and how it benefits all forms of life.
— TWFFofficial (@TWFFofficial) December 5, 2024
Read their full message here:https://t.co/UJOMJFOMpL
🌱 pic.twitter.com/ZSVpUL2SLu
健康な土壌 = 健康な人間
「私たちだけでなく、地球上のすべての生命にとって住みやすい惑星を創るために、全力を尽くすことは、私たちの責任です。」 — デイビッド・アッテンボロー卿
“It’s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create
a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”
— Sir David Attenborough
Take a moment and deconstruct the last dinner you had …
What foods were on your plate?
Were there vegetables in the dish? Did you have any grain-based items like bread or pasta? Was the protein in your meal sourced from animal meat or beans/legumes? How many seasonings or herbs were used to flavour each portion? Maybe you indulged in a sweet dessert afterwards?

Tassoula Kokkoris
Director of Communications & Special Projects
Tassoula is an acclaimed writer of over 25 years, holding communications leadership roles with top brands such as IBM and Nordstrom. In addition to marketing, her love of the arts led her to become an accomplished entertainment journalist, known for her compassionate interviews and commentary.