
🌆たっぷりな金子な7日間70th Special🌇

“7 days of plenty of money 70th Special”

Flowers in both hands on the first day [Mari Kaneko/Michio Ogawa/Tsuyoshi Shibuya]

thank you for your hard work!

The performance on the second day today, November 25th (Monday) is

Mari Kaneko / Junji Ariyama / Mitsuki Kimura / Shinji Miyake

Opening DJ: KenKen

Same-day ticket 6,500 yen (unreserved seat) Doors open at 18:00/Start at 19:00

We are looking forward to seeing you today!

ジャズピアニストの渋谷毅(しぶや たけし)は、東京都出身で1939年生まれです。東京芸大作曲科を卒業しており、大学在学中に沢田駿吾やジョージ川口などのグループで活動していました。1975年に自身のトリオを結成し、1980年代後半からは渋谷毅オーケストラを中心に活動しています。


Jazz Spot DOLPHY★渋谷毅★

Jazz Spot DOLPHY

TAKESHI SHIBUYA / 渋谷毅商品一覧|ディスクユニオン

Jazz pianist Takeshi Shibuya was born in Tokyo in 1939. He graduated from the Department of Composition at Tokyo University of the Arts, and was active in groups such as Shugo Sawada and George Kawaguchi while attending university. He formed his own trio in 1975, and has been active with the Takeshi Shibuya Orchestra since the late 1980s.
