



十戒の内容は神の意思が記されたものであり、モーセが十戒そのものを考え出し、自らもしくは他者に記させたものではない、とされている[注 1]。出エジプト記本文では神が民全体に語りかけたがそれが民をあまりにも脅かしたためモーセが代表者として神につかわされた、とされる。シナイ契約、または単に十戒とも呼ばれる。二枚の石板からなり、二度神から渡されている。最初にモーセが受け取ったものはモーセ自身が叩き割っている[3]。

When I was watching the end of the trailer for Moana, I imagined Moses' Ten Commandments✨✨✨

Exodus in the Old Testament It is written in Egypt 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21, and it is recorded that Moses received it from God on Mount Sinai after leaving Egypt. 1][2].

It is said that the contents of the Ten Commandments are a record of God's will, and that Moses did not come up with them and have them written by himself or someone else.[Note 1]

In the text of Exodus, it is said that God spoke to the people as a whole, but Moses was sent as God's representative because God's words were too unfair to the people. It has been handed over from God once again. The first thing that Moses received was divided by Moses himself.[3]
