The weather is nice so I'm taking a walk
I thought it was written to warn you.
“Be careful of the fight=喧嘩=けんけん=kenken (lol)”
Date: December 8th (Sunday) 17:30 start/18:00 start
Cast: DABE (Naoyuki (v) Kenta Harada (g) Yoshihiro Ogasawara (b) Kenken (dr))
Price: 4,500 yen (+1 drink) *Limited to 25 people
Venue: Komae (Plaza Excel B103-3480-4996, 1-2-6 Nakaizumi, Komae City, Tokyo)
The jam the other day was interesting
We formed a band.
Damello. It seems like there aren't many seats left. Please if you like.
KenKen Bass Clinic Party」と銘打たれたこの企画は、実演によるコーチングだけでなくプレイや音楽全般に関するトークコーナーも設けられ、KenKenと直接コミュニケーションをとることができる受講者参加型のイベントとなっている。さらに席数限定のプレミアムチケット購入者はKenKen本人とのジャムセッションに参加できるうえに、そのセッション音源がプレゼントされるというスペシャルな特典も用意されている。
This project, titled "KenKen Bass Clinic Party," not only provides coaching through demonstrations, but also includes a talk corner about playing and music in general, making it a participatory event where participants can directly communicate with KenKen. In addition, those who purchase premium tickets, which have a limited number of seats, will be able to participate in a jam session with KenKen himself, and will also receive a special bonus of the session sound source.
I came back from Paris and spent the night at the usual restaurant with Atsushi the dragon.
I'm recording that TV program tomorrow, so I just got home.