Gaia-X、Ouranous (ウラノスエコシステム)、DATA-EXの違いをおさえる
Gaia-Xは、Federated Secure Data Infrastructure
Ouranous Ecosystemは、Initiatives for interoperable data infrastructures
a platform that aims at federation-type interdisciplinary data collaboration that harmonizes existing efforts related to data collaboration.
Japan – EU Joint Statement of the first meeting of the Japan – EU Digital Partnership Council
both sides acknowledge the importance to promote data and system interoperability among common European data spaces, the Japan data space established in the Japan National data strategy including DATA-EX and the Japanese Ouranos Ecosystem (“Ouranos”)
初開催された日EUデジタルパートナーシップ閣僚級会合における共同声明によれば、欧州の共通データスペース、DATA-EXと日本の Ouranos Ecosystem(ウラノス エコシステム)を含む「データ戦略」で確立された日本のデータスペース間のデータとシステムの相互運用性を促進することの重要性を認識する、とある。
European data spaces will try to correspond to the Japan data space with respect to data and system interoperability.
Roughly speaking,
What is Gaia-X - Gaia-X: A Federated Secure Data Infrastructure
“It enables a federated and secure data infrastructure, whereby data are shared, with users retaining control over their data access and usage. It enables the creation of links between many cloud service providers in a wider, transparent and fair ecosystem to drive the European Data economy of tomorrow.”
Japan – EU Joint Statement of the first meeting of the Japan – EU Digital Partnership Council