
sai7 NFT art (OP/BASE)

This article summarizes my contribution to OP/BASE for RetroPGF3.

sai7's contribution(s) to Optimism/BASE

I did 2 things.

(1) By creating open edition NFTs, participants experienced the low gas fees of OP/BASE.

(2) I have written a step-by-step procedure for starting low-cost BASE NFTs from scratch to show people the way.

I enlightened NFT artists and collectors that not only ETH mainnet but also Optimism/BASE NFTs are good.

I like open edition NFTs, which can be disseminated to a large number of people at a low cost. This means less burden on both artists and collectors.

Contribution links

an article, step-by-step procedure for starting low-cost BASE NFTs


End User Experience & Adoption

(1) By creating open edition NFTs
I created 2 manga on mirror (OP), 3 mints.
I created 3 OP Chain Open Edition NFTs, 17 mints.
I also made 5 BASE chain open editions, 45 mints.
Total 64 mints.

It was 12 people who first got onboarded to OP/BASE to buy my work. That's 19%.

Out of 61mint, 24 people repeat and buy my works, and the repeat rate is 39%. My work contributes to promoting the use of OP/BASE, rather than just one-time use.

(2) I have written a step-by-step procedure
I wrote a step-by-step procedure for starting low-cost BASE NFTs, and the tweet received over 3,700 views.

Impact metrics

minting NFT 2 (mirror, OP)

minting NFT 1 (mirror, OP)

minting NFT 4 (OP)

minting NFT 6 (OP)

minting NFT 7 (OP)

minting NFT 1 (BASE)

minting NFT 29 (BASE)

minting NFT 3 (BASE)

minting NFT 7 (BASE)

minting NFT 2 (BASE)

minting NFT 3 (BASE)

tweet views 3700 for the step-by-step procedure


おもしろかった・役に立ったら 少額でもチップを頂けると励みになります。 イラスト制作や仮想通貨のメモなどの活動費に使わせていただきます。(最近はNFTアートの売上が減ってるので参ってます。。)