Broken heroes on legends of ace 2020
1.Olsson 'berserker' Hero Position (Warrior) equivalent of an (Assassin / Marksman)
crit 6,990+5,258+6990 with fearless cyclone + max fury and it hits 7223 is the full damage and it is Area of Effect can use it 3 times
2.andvari Hero Position (Tank Warrior) equivalent of an (Assassin)
The roar of the abyss 2 stacks crit 7,200 + 1500 ss or super can only hit 2 targets can reload ss semi quick with critical attack.
3. Ogier Hero Position (Support Tank) equivalent of an (Marksman)
The roar of the abyss 2-3 stacks crit 8252 + charge 2502 can only hit 1 target but can reload charge very quick, very tanky with skill buffs.