Sub test9()
Dim セット番号 As Integer
Dim マス番号 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
Dim マス数(1) As Integer
Dim numsArr(1) As Variant
Dim numsSet() As Variant
Dim nums As Collection
Dim nd As NumData
Dim 行列 As Integer
Const 行 As Integer = 0
Const 列 As Integer = 1
Dim 現状() As Integer
Dim 残数 As Integer
Dim 黒数 As Integer
'全体処理 ループ判定フラグ
Dim mainFg As Boolean
Dim dg As Boolean
Dim 基点 As Range
Set 基点 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range("H98")
マス数(行) = 8
マス数(列) = 8
' すべての数字の取り込み
'行と列の処理のループ 0:行 1:列
For 行列 = 0 To 1
ReDim numsSet(1 To マス数(行列))
For マス番号 = 1 To マス数(行列)
Set nums = New Collection
i = 0
sum = 0
Do While myOffset(基点, i, マス番号, 行列) <> ""
Set nd = New NumData
nd.num = myOffset(基点, i, マス番号, 行列)
nums.Add nd
i = i - 1
Set numsSet(マス番号) = nums
Next マス番号
numsArr(行列) = numsSet
Next 行列
' メインの処理ここから
mainFg = True
'全体のループ 塗れなくなるまで繰り返す
Do While mainFg
mainFg = False
'行と列ぞれぞれの処理 0:行 1:列
For 行列 = 0 To 1
For セット番号 = 1 To マス数(行列)
ReDim 現状(1 To マス数((行列 - 1) * -1))
myOffset(基点, 0, マス番号, 行列).Activate
If セット番号 = 15 And 行列 = 1 Then
'デバッグ用 特定の行列で止めたい時に使う
' dg = True
dg = False
End If
If myOffset(基点, 0, マス番号, 行列) <> "" Then
残数 = 0
黒数 = 0
'+++ 現状の状態を取得 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
For マス番号 = 1 To マス数((行列 - 1) * -1)
Select Case myOffset(基点, マス番号, セット番号, 行列).Interior.Color
Case RGB(0, 0, 0)
現状(マス番号) = 1
黒数 = 黒数 + 1
Case RGB(255, 240, 230)
現状(マス番号) = 2
Case Else
現状(マス番号) = 0
残数 = 残数 + 1
End Select
Next マス番号
myResize(myOffset(基点, 1, マス番号, 行列), マス数((行列 - 1) * -1), 1, 行列).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 240, 230)
End If
Next セット番号
Next 行列
End Sub
Function myOffset(base As Range, r As Integer, c As Integer, mode As Integer) As Range
If mode = 1 Then
Set myOffset = base.Offset(r, c)
Set myOffset = base.Offset(c, r)
End If
End Function
Function myResize(base As Range, r As Integer, c As Integer, mode As Integer) As Range
If mode = 1 Then
Set myResize = base.Resize(r, c)
Set myResize = base.Resize(c, r)
End If
End Function
Function 絶対塗れるヤツ(max As Integer, nums As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim d As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
Dim 配列A() As Integer
Dim 配列B() As Integer
Dim 配列C() As Integer
If max > 0 Then
ReDim 配列A(1 To max)
ReDim 配列B(1 To max)
ReDim 配列C(1 To max)
i = 1
cnt = 0
For d = 1 To nums.Count
'追加 完了済みはスキップ
If Not nums(d).fg Then
cnt = cnt + 1
sum = sum + nums(d).num
n = 1
Do While n <= nums(d).num
配列A(i) = d
i = i + 1
n = n + 1
If i < max Then
配列A(i) = 0
i = i + 1
End If
End If
Next d
'配列B cntに変更
For i = 1 To max
If i <= max - (cnt - 1 + sum) Then
配列B(i) = 0
配列B(i) = 配列A(i - (max - (cnt - 1 + sum)))
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To max
If 配列A(i) * 配列B(i) <> 0 And 配列A(i) = 配列B(i) Then
配列C(i) = 1
End If
Next i
End If
絶対塗れるヤツ = 配列C
End Function
Function 手前に入るかな(arr() As Integer, m1 As Integer, m2 As Integer, size As Integer)
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = m1 To m2
'修正 test15 = から <>
If cnt = 0 And arr(i) <> 2 Then
cnt = 1
ElseIf arr(i) <> 2 Then
cnt = cnt + 1
'修正 test15
ElseIf cnt >= size Then
Exit For
cnt = 0
End If
Next i
If cnt = 0 Then
手前に入るかな = False
手前に入るかな = size <= cnt
End If
End Function
Function dgStop(fg As Boolean)
If fg Then
End If
End Function