
英語長文問題クエスト Part 72 (テーマ:ハンムラビ法典)


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Title: Hammurabi's Code of Laws: Ancient Legal Principles

Hammurabi's Code of Laws stands as one of the earliest known legal codes in human history, dating back to ancient Mesopotamia. This comprehensive set of laws was enacted by Hammurabi, the sixth king of the Babylonian Empire, around 1754 BCE. Carved onto a stele, a large stone pillar, the code consisted of 282 laws that addressed various aspects of life, including social, economic, and familial matters. These laws provide valuable insights into the societal norms, values, and principles of justice in ancient Babylon.

Hammurabi's Code is significant not only for its historical importance but also for its influence on subsequent legal systems. The code covered a wide range of topics, including trade, property, marriage, crime, and punishment. It aimed to establish a sense of order and fairness within society by outlining specific penalties for various offenses and setting standards for behavior. The code's principles were rooted in the belief in divine authority, as Hammurabi claimed that his laws were inspired by the god Marduk.

One of the distinctive features of Hammurabi's Code is the principle of "lex talionis," often referred to as "an eye for an eye." This concept of retaliation served as the basis for many of the code's provisions related to punishment. The severity of the punishment was often determined by the social status of the victim and the offender. While the code attempted to ensure justice, it also reflected the hierarchical structure of Babylonian society, with different classes receiving different treatment under the law.

The code also contained provisions related to business and commerce. It regulated trade practices, contracts, and the responsibilities of merchants. This emphasis on commercial law suggests the importance of trade and economic activities in ancient Babylon. The code's regulations aimed to prevent fraud and ensure the fair exchange of goods, reflecting a concern for economic stability and the well-being of the population.

Despite its historical significance, Hammurabi's Code was not a comprehensive legal system by modern standards. It did not provide an all-encompassing framework for addressing all aspects of governance and law. Additionally, the code's punishments were often harsh and relied on physical retribution, reflecting the harsh nature of justice in ancient times. Nevertheless, the code played a crucial role in shaping the development of subsequent legal systems and served as a model for other societies' efforts to codify laws.

The legacy of Hammurabi's Code is evident in its enduring influence on legal principles and the recognition of the need for written laws to govern societies. While modern legal systems have evolved significantly, the idea of a code that provides a basis for order, fairness, and justice remains at the core of legal thinking. The exploration of Hammurabi's Code offers a glimpse into the intricate relationship between law, society, and the values that shape human civilization.


  1. When was Hammurabi's Code of Laws enacted?
    A) Around 2000 BCE
    B) Around 1754 BCE
    C) Around 1500 BCE
    D) Around 1000 BCE

  2. How many laws were included in Hammurabi's Code?
    A) 100 laws
    B) 200 laws
    C) 282 laws
    D) 400 laws

  3. What did Hammurabi's Code aim to establish within society?
    A) Economic dominance
    B) Religious institutions
    C) Order and fairness
    D) Military strength

  4. Which god was Hammurabi said to have been inspired by in creating the code?
    A) Enki
    B) Marduk
    C) Ishtar
    D) Anu

  5. What is the principle of "lex talionis" in Hammurabi's Code?
    A) The belief in multiple gods
    B) An emphasis on trade and commerce
    C) The idea of retaliation, "an eye for an eye"
    D) The hierarchical structure of society

  6. How did Hammurabi's Code address different social classes?
    A) It treated all classes equally under the law.
    B) It offered special privileges to the upper class.
    C) It reflected the hierarchical structure of society.
    D) It ignored the concept of social status.

  7. In addition to punishment, what other aspects did Hammurabi's Code address?
    A) Art and culture
    B) Family life
    C) Astronomy
    D) Military strategy

  8. What was the guiding force behind Hammurabi's Code?
    A) Divine authority
    B) Democracy
    C) Aristocracy
    D) Mercantilism

  9. How did Hammurabi's Code influence subsequent legal systems?
    A) It was completely ignored by later societies.
    B) It served as a model for other societies' legal efforts.
    C) It had no impact on the development of law.
    D) It led to the abandonment of legal codes.

  10. What was a significant role of Hammurabi's Code in shaping governance and law?
    A) It provided a comprehensive legal system.
    B) It established a complex judicial hierarchy.
    C) It emphasized rehabilitation over punishment.
    D) It demonstrated the need for written laws.

  11. What did Hammurabi's Code consider a basis for order and justice?
    A) Religious rituals
    B) Economic stability
    C) Hierarchical social structure
    D) Written laws

  12. What did the principle of "an eye for an eye" serve as the basis for in Hammurabi's Code?
    A) Trade and commerce
    B) Family matters
    C) Punishment
    D) Religious ceremonies

  13. What did Hammurabi's Code reflect about the nature of justice in ancient times?
    A) It emphasized rehabilitation over punishment.
    B) It relied solely on fines as punishment.
    C) It was lenient and forgiving.
    D) It was harsh and based on physical retribution.

  14. What enduring influence does Hammurabi's Code have on modern legal thinking?
    A) It emphasizes divine authority in legal matters.
    B) It serves as the basis for modern criminal codes.
    C) It highlights the importance of retribution in justice.
    D) It underscores the need for written laws in governance.

Answers and Explanations


