#1 Caliber [kǽləbɚ] (n.)

印象に残る関連付け学習 英検1級単語


#1 Caliber [kǽləbɚ] (n.)

Etymology(語源):  イタリア語「威力」の意

Synonyms(同意語):  ability, talent, competence, quality

Derivative Words(派生語): calibrat (vt.) 


a pistol of small caliber
a .32-caliber bullet
a man of an excellent caliber
tea of high caliber



Given these reasons of the elderly for wanting to work, the forms of employment desired, and their wealth of knowledge gained through their previous employment experience, it is possible for enterprises to gain access to high-caliber manpower at little cost by using older workers.

構造分析: (Given [these reasons of the elderly for wanting to work], [the forms of employment (desired)], and [their wealth of knowledge / (gained (through their previous employment experience))],) / it is [possible] / (for enterprises) / [to gain access (to high-caliber manpower) / (at little cost)) / (by using older workers)].

日本語訳: このように高齢者の働きたい理由や希望する雇用形態、そしてこれまでの就業経験に基づいた豊富な知識を持っていることを考慮すると、高齢者を活用することで企業は大きな負担をかけずに優秀な労働力を利用することが可能になる。 - 経済産業省


アニメや映画、最近でもドラマでリメイクされた「デスノート」の英語版の中で、夜神月の長いセリフの中に、"caliber" が登場するようです。

With this notebook,,, would anybody else have been able to do this? Come this far? And continue doing? Would anybody else have been able to use just one notebook and lead the world to the right path? There are only those stupid people of low caliber, who would have used it for personal interests and selfish motives.

