舞台を開始 raising the curtain
< 但書 proviso >
This is a casual introduction linking the world of VRChat called 'JUNO.' to a world that I 'freely' imagined as its possible source. The authenticity is, of course, not guaranteed. Please take it with a grain of salt.
呼吸を開始 Start Breathing
目を開ける open your eyes
"Dull and oppressive console."
Maybe it's from ....
A haphazard pipe chair
Maybe it's from ....
A gaping hole sinking deeper.
Maybe it's from ....
1st Era JUNO
On the day I gained enlightenment, I led people of faith into a new world
a world filled with ideals, free of conflict, and abundant in happiness.
It was a world that only those with faith could see.
悟りを得たその日、私は信仰の人々を新たな世界へと導いた。 理想に満ち、争いのない、幸福に満ちた世界へと。 それは、信仰を持つ者だけが見ることのできる世界だった。
A swaying orb of light. Cherry blossoms and a bench.
Maybe it's from ....
A palm tree that feels the hot wind, and a public telephone covered in graffiti.
Maybe it's from ....
2nd Era AHEAD
It was fun at first, but not anymore.
I had to go on a journey again, and I started to build a sacred place.
After that many people came and became faithful.
最初は楽しかったけれど、もう楽しくはなかった。 再び旅に出る必要があり、私は聖なる場所を建設し始めた。 その後、多くの人々がやってきて、信仰心を持つ者となった。
Cherry blossoms, balls, and upside-down pyramids.
Maybe it's from ....
Chairs connected to wires extending from the sphere.
Maybe it's from ....
3ed Era CLOSER
As their faith began to waver I embarked on a journey to rediscover the meaning of life.
Eventually, I discovered what I was looking for: Love.
It was a love that was overwhelming and difficult to bear.
彼らの信仰が揺らぎ始めた頃、私は人生の意味を再発見するための旅に出た。 やがて、私は求めていたものを見つけた。それは「愛」だった。 それは圧倒的で、背負うには困難な愛だった。
A hollowed-out layer of blue and yellow.
Maybe it's from ....
A broken-down bar.
Maybe it's from ....
Two low-polygon-style stalls.
Maybe it's from ....
4th Era KINDA
When love ends, everything falls apart.
However, I must prepare myself for my next journey.
During my healing process, I have encountered many people,
but they have all been temporary.
愛が終わると、全てが崩れ去ってしまう。 しかし、私は次の旅に備えなければならない。 私の癒しの過程で、多くの人々と出会ったが、彼らはすべて一時的な存在だった。
An elevator stopping at the topmost floor of the 13th level.
Office supplies for surveilling someone
Maybe it's from ....
A statue gazing at the water surface and an emerging orb of light.
Maybe it's from ....
Mountaineering gear awaiting the ones who won't return.
Maybe it's from ....
A gas station and a black car.
Maybe it's from ....
5th Era ERASER
When I abandoned my identity,
I became a nomad on a whimsical journey through myth.
However, those who hold strong beliefs
eventually discovered the truth:
I am still unsure of who I truly am and cannot escape my past self.
アイデンティティを捨てた私は、神話の中で気まぐれな旅をする放浪者となった。 しかし、強い信念を持つ者たちはやがて真実を見つけた: 私はまだ本当の自分が誰なのか確信が持てず、過去の自分から逃れることはできないのだということを。
A sharp and industrial enclosed space.
Maybe it's from ....
6th Era TRUST
My journey came to an end and I realized how far I'd come from what I used to know,and who I used to be.
Despite feeling content, I am mistaken in thinking that I am done.
I am Enough.
A coastal town street and an incongruously heavy, oppressive wall.
Faint snowflakes dance in the azure sky.
Maybe it's from ....
I woke up and found that I had already ended my past life. I have to continue my journeyandfly to a place where no one can see me. Even if someone finds me I will not return. Wake up now and know the truth. Everything you see is just a dream. Go... And don't come back anymore.
目を覚ますと、私はすでに過去の生活を終えていたことに気づきました。 私は旅を続けなければならず、誰も私を見つけることのない場所へと飛び立つ必要があります。 たとえ誰かが私を見つけたとしても、私は戻りません。 今目を覚まし、真実を知りなさい。 あなたが見ているすべてはただの夢です。 行ってください…もう戻ってくることはありません。
Somebody tethered to the wiring, with scattered equipment.
Maybe it's from ....
A heavily injured patient who has received treatment.
Maybe it's from ....
明転 fade in
Hey, hi, um, it's been a while.
How are you? I hope you are doing well.
Also sorry: I'm in quite a hurry.
I didn't really prepare a fancy place or anything,
so let's just talk here.
You may have many questions in your mind, including questions like what happened here.
Just calm down and relax.
I can't answer every question but…
I just want to rest. I know that I've come too far to carry on.
I'm sorry I can't tell you everything.
From now on, I will be somewhere else, far, far away.
We won't be able to come and talk like this anymore.
By the way, this isn't a goodbye.
I'm tired, and I have to rest.
You should also take a rest.
You might be tired too.
You will wake up to the truth that I'm not with you anymore.
I just want to say sorry, and thank you for everything.
I hope you find luck in this life.
See you again in the next life.
ねえ、こんにちは、久しぶりだね。 元気にしているかな?
ごめんなさい、すべてを君に伝えることはできない。 これからはもっと遠く、別の場所にいるだろう。 もうこんな風に話すこともできなくなるだろう。
目を覚まして、私がもう君と一緒にいないことを知るんだ。 ただ謝りたいし、ありがとうを言いたいんだ。
A person sitting next to a bench.
Maybe it's from ....
呼吸を終える Fainting
暗転 fade to black
Medical equipment and a dimly lit room.
Ma☊⟒yb⏁e i⏃'s fr☊o⟒m ...⏃.
A never-ending journey back on the road that stretches into the distance.
Maybe it's from ....
Flower is bloom.
Flower is fallen.
舞台を終える draw the curtain
Take a breather.