GET 7-9 in IELTS Speaking #5

In order to achieve a very high band in the IELTS speaking test, you need to show that you can use some ‘less common’ vocabulary, including idioms and less common collocations. Let’s look at how you can say common sentences in a ‘less common’ way:

People in my country think that they are good singers, so they enjoy karaoke.
Less common:
People in my country regard themselves as being talented singers, so they enjoy karaoke.

I was very happy when I got my exam results.
Less common:
I was over the moon when I got my exam results.

We should try to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
Less common:
We should try to reduce our carbon footprint.

Some people in my country are very very poor.
Less common:
Some people in my country live below the breadline.

I live in a rich part of the city.
Less common:
I live in a fairly affluent part of the city.

In the end, we arrived in a strange part of town.
Less common:
We ended up in a strange part of town.

People in my country are spending less money because of the crisis.
Less common:
People in my country are tightening their belts because of the crisis.

In my hometown, the streets are very, very dark at night.
Less common:
In my hometown, the streets are almost pitch black at night.

I think his reaction was a little exaggerated.
Less common:
I think his reaction was a little over the top.

Although they played well, they lost the match.
Less common:
Even though they played well, they lost the match.

In my country, if you are rich, you can do bad things and not get punished.
Less common:
In my country, if you are wealthy, you can get away with murder.

Note on using idioms
Do not try to ‘show off’ to the examiner by using an idiom in every single sentence. Idioms should be used appropriately. Think of them like spices in a cooking recipe.
