IELTS Speaking Sample Questions #3


  • Where do you come from?

  • Where abouts did you grow up?

  • Where is your hometown?

  • What kind of place is it?

  • Are you from a city or the countryside?

  • Do you still visit your hometown?

  • Does your family still live there?

  • What do people do in your hometown in their free time?

  • Do you know much about the history of your hometown?

  • What's the weather like in your hometown?

  • Why did you move?

  • What's your favourite part of your hometown?

  • What do you like about your hometown?

  • What do you dislike about your hometown?

  • Is it a good place to live?

  • Is it a good place for children to grow up?

  • Do many people visit your hometown?

  • How could your hometown attract more visitors?

  • Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?

  • Which place do you prefer, the city where you are working/studying now or your hometown?

  • How do you visit your hometown?

  • What's the transport system like in your hometown?

  • Has your hometown changed much in recent years?

  • How do you think your hometown could be improved in the future?


  • Where are you living at the moment?

  • What do you like about the place where you are living?

  • What do you dislike about it?

  • Why did you choose to live in the place where you are living?

  • How does your current place of living compare to your hometown?

  • How long do you plan to stay there?

  • How could it be improved?

  • Is it a good place for families to live?

  • Would you like to change the place where you live?

  • Where else would you like to live?
