なのであるっ! 高校時代に英語では赤点取りまくりだったのだが、必要は発明の母でありおじさんは英語使えないとユーザーにヌッコロされ兼ねない立場だったので苦労に苦労を重ねて「実は英語でも思考できる」という完の璧なバイリンガルである。
自慢話かよ!と踵を返すのはちと早い。私はバイリンガルではあるが、英語の語彙量が日本語より「かなり」少ない為、英語で思考した場合に精神年齢つーか思考力がだだ下がりするのであるっ! 多分ネイティブの小学生ぐらいだ! (PC関連とか電子部品や回路関係の語彙だけはそこそこある)
It is an oldmas's tale.
I am Vessel, a Swordsman.
I'm not "The" Swordsman. Just only one of them. but I can kill the Huge Dragon, Paragon Balron...etc, etc. Still I am one of swordsman, but this "one of them" is not so bad.
Maybe you think about my skills, Chivary? Bushido? or Sampire? I am one of fighter. so I never use these "Special" skills. I call my style Pure-Figher.
In my right-hand, Longsword, In my left-hand, Tear kite shield. It is my style.
I have continued fighting in this style for a long time.
How long period is it?
I can get Rideable Polar Bear. Do you understand it?
What are the biggest recollections in the my long experience of a battle?
Killing the Greater-Dragon?
Banished the Paragon Deamon?
Slashing Yamandon without armors?
No. It is only result.
My biggest, important, cannot forget, memory is as for which I became beaten to death by Ogre Lord in Despise Dungeon.
At that time I'm not one of fighter, Just only one of Newbe.
When earth-elemental is simply pushed down in Despise dungeon and ettin and trol can also be pushed down, I was self-conceited for a while.
The giant who appeared there.
I had misunderstanding with what can be pushed down without what.
For example, I have also understood the strength of the huge dragon like the mountain.
...Fafurion the water dragon was actually strong.
The enemy which does not look strong is strong.
Self-conceited I forgot completely that it was a monster and he was enemy.
He did not tell me something and did not necessarily tell it.
He only beat me. And it was sufficient experience.
"Don't despise an enemy."
And I began to walk along the way which becomes a fighter from Newbe.
He was my enemy and was a kind of teacher.
I am continuing the long trip from Serpent's spine.
I still protect the instruction of a teacher and am continuing fighting with many enemies.
The instruction of him serves as my beautiful recollections now, and has become a driving force for me.
Already, they has gone, Old Despise, Severe Ogre Lords, Dungeon of my departure!
散々四角い文字列書けや!とかゆーてる割に、センテンス短いし段落に含まれる単語や文章数が極めて少ない。典型的な「残念な知性の人々の書いた文」なのであるっ! 多分ネイティブ英語よりそーとー読み易いはず、小学生みたいだもん。書いといてナンだが。