
元スイス軍情報将校Jacques Baudのインタビューがためになるので紹介。ウクライナ情勢に限らず、あらゆる物事を判断する参考になる。

  • 我々(西側先進国の人間)は敵を知らなさすぎる。

  • 物事をそのままではなく見たいように見ている。

  • ロシアとソ連を混同している。

We do not understand our enemies, their rationale, their way of thinking and their real objectives. Hence, we are not even able to articulate sound strategies to fight them. This is especially true with Russia. Most people, including the top brass, tend to confuse “Russia” and “USSR.” As I was in NATO, I could hardly find someone who could explain what Russia’s vision of the world is or even its political doctrine. Lot of people think Vladimir Putin is a communist. We like to call him a “dictator,” but we have a hard time to explain what we mean by that.

First, most people, including politicians and journalists, still confuse Russia and the USSR. For instance, they don’t understand why the communist party is the main opposition party in Russia.

In 2014, during the Maidan revolution in Kiev, I was in NATO in Brussels. I noticed that people didn’t assess the situation as it was, but as they wished it would be. This is exactly what Sun Tzu describes as the first step towards failure.


  • ゼレンスキー大統領は極右の狂信者に「ロシアと和平を結んだら殺す」と脅されていた。

The problem here is that these far-right fanatics threatened to kill Zelensky were he to try to make peace with Russia. As a result, Zelensky found himself sitting between his promises and the violent opposition of an increasingly powerful far-right movement. In May 2019, on the Ukrainian media Obozrevatel, Dmytro Yarosh, head of the “Pravy Sektor” militia and adviser to the Army Commander in Chief, openly threatened Zelensky with death, if he came to an agreement with Russia. In other words, Zelensky appears to be blackmailed by forces he is probably not in full control of.

西側が無視するクリミアとウクライナの関係(January 1990とあるがレファレンダムは1991年1月)。

Of course, Western historians ignore superbly that Crimea was separated from Ukraine by referendum in January 1990, six months before Ukrainian independence and under Soviet rule. In fact, it’s Ukraine that illegally annexed Crimea in 1995. Yet, western countries sanctioned Russia for that…


民族の独立とレファレンダム : クリミアの事例
  • メディアが流す情報はウクライナ発ばかりでロシア発はプロパガンダとされるが、どちらもプロパガンダ。(ついでに言うと、西側の当局やメディアの情報もプロパガンダ)

  • メディアのナラティヴに矛盾を見つけると「プーチン支持者」にされてしまう。

All figures and data provided by our media about the conflict come from Ukraine, and those coming from Russia are automatically dismissed as propaganda. My view is that both are propaganda. But as soon as you come up with western data that do not fit into the mainstream narrative, you have extremists claiming you “love Putin.”

  • クラマトルスク駅へのミサイル攻撃が語られなくなった理由。(キエフ政府の暴力装置は民間人を平気で殺す)

This is the case of the attack on civilians by a missile in Kramatorsk—we no longer talk about it because the responsibility of Ukraine is very likely, but this means that the Ukrainians could do it again with impunity.

  • 意思決定はfact-basedであるべき。

The main point of my book is that international relations cannot be “Twitter-driven.” We need to use appropriately our intelligence resources, not as a propaganda instrument, as we tend to do these days, but as an instrument for smart and fact-based decision-making.






After the Maidan revolution, the emerging force in the political landscape was the far-right movement. I do not like to call it “neo-Nazi” because “Nazism” was a clearly defined political doctrine, while in Ukraine, we are talking about a variety of movements that combine all the features of Nazism (such as antisemitism, extreme nationalism, violence, etc.), without being unified into a single doctrine. They are more like a gathering of fanatics.



