BBCニュース - 世界チェス連盟、トランス女性の女子大会参加を一時禁止 検討に時間かけたいとhttps://t.co/l1AzW6bFHQ
— BBC News Japan (@bbcnewsjapan) August 18, 2023
チェス、将棋…ボードゲーム界に「男女格差」が残る理由 頭脳戦で「女脳は男脳より弱い」というのは本当か #AERAdot #AERA https://t.co/8YOElQ1tcD
— AERA dot. (アエラドット) (@dot_asahi_pub) October 10, 2023
Why Do Men Dominate Chess? | @hoovlet https://t.co/MpPPfEaGTf
— Quillette (@Quillette) March 22, 2024
Why are men dominant in chess? Carole Hooven considers a number of possibilities, but concludes that it probably comes down to biological differences produced by natural selection.https://t.co/CBU6R0ePnt pic.twitter.com/SSjEj8XVuY
— Jerry Coyne (@Evolutionistrue) March 24, 2024
It’s long been known that measures of risk-taking, competitiveness, persistence, and aggression are higher in men than women, so this may be a key factor in the explanation. But are these differences due to evolution or socialization? After all, men are expected to be aggressive and behaviorally conform to a “male stereotype”. On the other hand, that stereotype itself could reflect behavior instilled by natural selection more in one sex than another, so it’s seen as the norm.
平均的には男女に実力差は無いが、男は分散が大きいので頂点と最底辺は男が多くなる(Greater Male Variability Hypothesis)
FIDE introduces ground-breaking Gender Equality in Chess Index (GECI) – 2023 Rankings unveiled 🧒👧
— International Chess Federation (@FIDE_chess) November 28, 2023
FIDE released the inaugural Gender Equality in Chess Index (GECI), an innovative instrument designed to measure and compare the level of gender equality in chess federations… pic.twitter.com/vfyFPxCBHT
これは男女平等(とされる)国ほどSTEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathmatics)あるいはPECS(Physics, Engineering, Computer Science)分野の女が少ない現象と同じで、興味関心の男女差が生得的なものであることを強く示唆している。
Feature Article
— Skeptical Inquirer (@SkeptInquirer) June 20, 2023
The Ideological Subversion of Biology
Jerry A. Coyne and Luana S. Marojahttps://t.co/yyiR6HDwlN
The false idea that human males and females are born biologically identical in behavior and psychology is a form of what we call “biological egalitarianism.” This is the view that all groups must be essentially the same in important aspects of their biology because if they weren’t, one might be tempted to slide from nonidentity into “inequality” and from there into bigotry, misogyny, and other discriminatory behaviors.