Things women do lie about: what they ate for lunch. Things women don't lie about: rape.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) August 4, 2017
Lena Dunham defends former "Girls" producer after sexual assault allegationshttps://t.co/eTXrX7iMtj
— TIME (@TIME) November 18, 2017
We stand by Murray and this is all we’ll be saying about this issue.
ところが、告発したPerrineauがpeople pf colorの一員であったことと、Dunhamが裕福な白人だったことから、白人の特権に胡坐をかいてPOCを犠牲にする"white feminism"だというレイシズムの問題にもなり、謝罪に追い込まれた。
Lena Dunham has apologised for disbelieving a rape allegation – and made matters worse https://t.co/B3Z2y0SmJH
— The Guardian (@guardian) December 7, 2018
Opinion: Lena Dunham's latest apology is too little, too late – and shows her white feminism up for what it is https://t.co/oP1s6mBQyn
— The Independent (@Independent) December 6, 2018
“I learned the ways in which my own heart and mind had been colonised by patriarchy”.
Girls writer Murray Miller won't be charged following actress Aurora Perrineau sexual assault allegations https://t.co/yQ5jwl978b
— Vulture (@vulture) August 12, 2018
Lena Dunham’s Return To ‘Believe All Women’ Does Women No Favors https://t.co/tXn3fRXTNI
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) December 7, 2018
Dunham could have argued that, rather than being an exception to the rule, Miller — whom she then thought was innocent — actually proved the inanity of the rule. That rule, of course, is that women are always telling the truth.
自称被害者がリスクを負わずに相手に社会的ダメージを与えることができることは虚偽申告の強いインセンティブになる。タレブ的に言えば"skin in the game"していないので信用できない。
Aurora Perrineau on assault allegations against Girls writer Murray Miller: 'I just wanted justice' https://t.co/snoHJCTGgT pic.twitter.com/7EL1Unpy0Y
— Jezebel (@Jezebel) May 22, 2019
フランスを拠点とする日本人シェフ、関根拓氏が死去した。39歳だった。遺族が29日、明らかにした。この発表によると同氏は、… https://t.co/jdEPwkHoF1
— AFPBB News (@afpbbcom) September 30, 2020
— 杉田 水脈 (@miosugita) October 1, 2020
BBCニュース - 犬をつなぐよう黒人男性に言われた女性、通報して解雇 米NY https://t.co/CUvOKimP7d
— BBC News Japan (@bbcnewsjapan) May 27, 2020
The archetype of the Karen has risen to outstanding levels of notoriety in recent weeks, thanks to a flood of footage that’s become increasingly more violent and disturbing https://t.co/cIZlyABBjn
— TIME (@TIME) June 26, 2020
“If we’re thinking about this in a historical context where white women are given the power over Black men, that their word will be valued over a Black man, that makes it particularly dangerous and that’s the problem,”