EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW ON JUST B - by Hanryu Pia (Part 2 of 2), Dec 3, 2021
I have translated an exclusive interview by a Japanese magazine titled “Hanryu (Korean-Style) Pia”. This is Part 2. Please refer here for Part 1.
Q: What kind of song is “Tick Tock”?
J: (raises his hand and says:) I am going to explain. The song “Tick Tock” talks about becoming stronger in order to win the inner anger that becomes stronger and stronger. When I listened to this song for the first time, I knew this would absolutely be the title track. I think the addictive lyrics of the song, such as “Tick tock tick tock, boom!” as you hear during the chorus, is the charm of this song. I am hoping that you will listen to it a lot.
D: The part I like the most in “Tick Tock” is also “Tick tock tick tock, boom!” part – did you think I would say so??? (Laugh) I actually like my part the best.
J: Which part?
D: (DY sings his favorite part) I like this part because we move like an ocean wave here and we look cool on camera.
D: How about you, Geonu?
G: I like the part nobody expects it would be.
L: Which part?
G: The sound “kun kun” when the song starts. Our dance starts right then with this sound.
L: Oh, that part! I thought you liked that part because that’s when I am the only one standing (laugh). That “JUST “kun kun” part.
G: We all sync our pace and move as one there, right? That’s where we convey the powerful beginning of our performance and the feel of the song. That's why I like this part.
L: How about you, JM?
J: I of course like the chorus, but, you know when Doyum starts singing, we are in circle, right? Geonu and I give a massage on each other’s shoulder…
L: During the performance??? (Laugh)
J: I am happy when our eyes meet.
G: I like that part too.
L: How about you, Sangwoo?
S: I like the last part when the dance break starts. Because I feel a high sense of achievement there by having shown the audience everything we could.
L: How about you, Bain?
B: I like my part the best.
L: Everybody likes his own part!!!
B: (Sings his pre-chorus part) That’s the part where we can show our inner anger the most, right?
G: The choreo looks like it explodes there!
Q. Show us the highlights of the choreo.
D: I will show you the choreo that goes with “Tick Tock Tick Tock” using the tip of your fingers. This part looks like we are adjusting the “time ball” which allows you to travel through time. Let us show it to you.
ALL: 5,6,7,8, Tick Tock Tick Tock Boom! ….
L: It looks like it’s easy to do it because you are just moving the tip of your fingers, but it’s not. Your finger moves get clumsy. Please practice this move many times, everyone!
Q. What was the most impressive scene of the MV for you?
B: Of all the many scenes of each individual member’s, I found Lim Jimin’s diving scenes in the bathtub most impressive. I was monitoring him during that scene. I taught him how to hold breath as well. I was very excited to see the outcome.
L: Diving was not as easy as I thought.
Q. Did anything fun happen while you guys were shooting the MV?
G: When we were in the waiting room and drinking delicious drinks, a big moth flew into the room.
B: Then one of the members disappeared from the room with a big scream.
G: It was Lim Jimin. He ran out of the room with a big scream. It was a very impactful moment. The other members surrounded the moth and were saying like, “Hey, let’s catch it!”, but Lim Jimin just ran away.
L: Hey! The moth was enormous! I’d never seen such a big moth like that before!
D: No, it was not that big. I caught it.
L: Oh well, I thought it was big.
G: Yeah, that was a fun incident in which he mismeasured the size of the moth.
J: In my case, there was a scene in a simulation room where every one of us was wearing a goggle and closing our eyes. But I was the only one who kept the eyes open, because I did not know we were supposed to close our eyes.
B: We were supposed to close our eyes then, but you kept your eyes open.
J: So the members who were facing me on the other side of the room…
G: The three of us (Geonu points Lim Jimin and Bain).
J: I happened to catch Geonu’s eyes.
G: I was doing to him like this (Geonu does handsign to show JM to close his eyes), but JM stood still and kept his eyes open.
L: No wonder the shooting took so long.
Q: Do you have any specific rule when you guys are practicing dance in your practice room?
S: When we practice together, we play a couple of songs while each of us is warming up. We’ve never discussed and set it up as a rule; it just happened to become our habit.
B: We don’t play the same songs each time. We choose songs depending on how we feel and what we wanna listen to that day.
D: It could be an upbeat song or a soft song.
J: It could be our song too.
B: It could be an ASMR (Laugh).
Q: Please do paper, rock, scissors, and the bottom two losers will show the aegyo.
(Lim Jimin and Sangwoo lose)
S: I have a chance to practice first, right?
G: You don’t want us to be looking at you, do you?
S: Please don’t look at me.
(Other members look away from him)
G: Well, I hope you will do it successfully at your first try.
(Sangwoo does an aegyo).
B: Well, you failed. You must prepare another one, Sangwoo.
Interviewer: So how about Lim Jimin does it first while Sangwoo is getting ready for another one?
B: (To Lim Jimin) 5, 6, 7…
L: Wait, wait!!
(After a while, Lim Jimin does aegyo. He passes)
(It’s Sangwoo’s turn again)
S: Don’t look at me please.
(JM whispers him and tells him which aegyo to do)
S: Goo goo gah gah!
(Other members laugh)
B: Why don’t you at least point your cheek or something?
G: I have never seen such a Goo goo gah gah before.
(Sangwoo tries it one more time. He passes)
L: I’m sorry everyone. The two members who are the worst at doing aegyo lost.
S: I’m so sorry.
G: Normally, you do Goo goo gah gah like this.
(Geonu and JM demonstrate how to say Goo goo gah gah)
L: Can you guys show us how to do it again, Geonu and JM? 1, 2, 3!
(Geonu and JM show how to say and do Goo goo gah gah)
G: Well, what I wanted to say was that you have to say Goo goo gah gah in a cute and high tone of your voice, not in a natural tone of your voice.
L: OK, show us the real aegyo, JM.
S: JM told me to do this aegyo but I never knew this one.
(JM shows us “the real” Goo goo gah gah)
(Round of applause)
L: Bain, please give a word of apology to our viewers on behalf (of JM).
B: Well, he was cute!
Q: To end this interview, please give a word to the viewers.
L: We worked really hard on preparing for the “Tick Tock” comeback. We prepared for it while thinking about ONLY B. Please give us lots of support and love. We will work even harder. That was JUST B! Bye!