
本の重さ+宅配便の箱数計算機.html : made by perplexity & ChatGPT4o


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#result, #totalWeight, #bookWeight {
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    <div class="container">
        <div class="left-column">
            <form id="calculatorForm">
                <label for="bookSize">仕上がり:</label>
                <select id="bookSize" required>
                    <option value="A4">A4</option>
                    <option value="B5">B5</option>
                    <option value="A5">A5</option>
                <div class="flex-container">
                    <div class="half-width">
                        <label for="paperSize">判型:</label>
                        <select id="paperSize" required>
                            <option value="A判">A判</option>
                            <option value="菊判">菊判</option>
                            <option value="四六判">四六判</option>
                    <div class="half-width">
                        <label for="weight">本文斤量:</label>
                        <select id="weight" required></select>
                <label for="pages">ページ数:</label>
                <input type="number" id="pages" required min="1">
                <label for="copies">部数:</label>
                <input type="number" id="copies" required min="1">
                <button type="button" id="calculateButton">計算</button>
            <div id="bookWeight"></div>
            <div id="totalWeight"></div>
            <div id="result"></div>
    const weightOptions = {
        '四六判': [45, 55, 62, 67.5, 68, 70, 72.5, 73, 90, 110, 135, 160, 180],
        '菊判': [31, 38, 39.5, 47, 48.5, 50.5, 62.5, 76.5, 93.5, 111, 125],
        'A判': [28.5, 35, 36.5, 40, 43, 43.5, 44.5, 46.5, 57.5, 70.5, 86.5]

    const baseSize = {
        '四六判': [788, 1091],
        '菊判': [636, 939],
        'A判': [625, 880]

    function updateWeightOptions() {
        const paperSize = document.getElementById('paperSize').value;
        const weightSelect = document.getElementById('weight');
        weightSelect.innerHTML = '';
        weightOptions[paperSize].forEach(weight => {
            const option = document.createElement('option');
            option.value = weight;
            option.textContent = weight + ' kg';

    function calculateResults() {
        const bookSize = document.getElementById('bookSize').value;
        const paperSize = document.getElementById('paperSize').value;
        const paperWeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('weight').value);
        let pages = parseInt(document.getElementById('pages').value);
        const copies = parseInt(document.getElementById('copies').value);

        const sizes = {
            "A4": [210, 297],
            "A5": [148, 210],
            "B5": [182, 257]

        if (!bookSize || isNaN(paperWeight) || isNaN(pages) || isNaN(copies)) {

        // ページ数を偶数に調整
        if (pages % 2 !== 0) {
            document.getElementById('pages').value = pages;

        const [width, height] = sizes[bookSize];
        const [baseWidth, baseHeight] = baseSize[paperSize];

        const sheetWeight = paperWeight / (baseWidth * baseHeight) * (width * height);
        const book_weight = sheetWeight * pages / 2;
        const total_weight = book_weight * copies / 1000;

        document.getElementById('bookWeight').innerHTML = `1冊の重さ: ${book_weight.toFixed(1)} g`;
        document.getElementById('totalWeight').innerHTML = `総重量: ${total_weight.toFixed(2)} kg`;

        const yamato = [
            { name: '60サイズ(2kg)', max: 60, maxWeight: 2000 },
            { name: '80サイズ(5kg)', max: 80, maxWeight: 5000 },
            { name: '100サイズ(10kg)', max: 100, maxWeight: 10000 },
            { name: '120サイズ(15kg)', max: 120, maxWeight: 15000 },
            { name: '140サイズ(20kg)', max: 140, maxWeight: 20000 },
            { name: '160サイズ(25kg)', max: 160, maxWeight: 25000 }

        const boxVolume = width + height + 10;
        let result = '';
        let weightCalculation = '';
        for (const size of yamato) {
            const booksPerBoxByVolume = Math.floor(size.max / boxVolume);
            const booksPerBoxByWeight = Math.floor(size.maxWeight / book_weight);
            const booksPerBox = Math.min(booksPerBoxByVolume, booksPerBoxByWeight);
            let boxesNeeded;
            if (booksPerBox > 0) {
                boxesNeeded = Math.ceil(copies / booksPerBox);
                result += `${size.name}: ${boxesNeeded} 箱(1箱あたり最大${booksPerBox}冊)<br>`;
            } else {
                boxesNeeded = Math.ceil(total_weight * 1000 / size.maxWeight);
                result += `${size.name}: ${boxesNeeded} 箱<br>`;
                weightCalculation = '(重さで計算)';
        document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = result + weightCalculation;

    document.getElementById('calculateButton').addEventListener('click', calculateResults);

    document.getElementById('paperSize').addEventListener('change', updateWeightOptions);

    window.onload = updateWeightOptions;

    document.getElementById('pages').addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        if (event.key === 'Enter') {
            let pages = parseInt(this.value);
            if (pages % 2 !== 0) {
                this.value = pages;

    document.getElementById('copies').addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        if (event.key === 'Enter') {

重さと宅配の箱が何箱になるかワンポチで出してくれる憎いやつw しかも箱サイズ60サイズ~160サイズ全バリエーション対応❗

実はこの二段組レイアウトにするのに今回、perplexityで無限ループにはまり2時間以上かかっちゃいましたヨ😂   何度言っても分からんちんなのでCopilot@MSとEdge、Geminiにも浮気しに行ったけど正直お話になりませんでした。




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        button:hover { background-color: #45a049; }
        #result, #totalWeight, #bookWeight { 
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    <div class="container">
        <div class="left-column">
            <form id="calculatorForm">
                <label for="bookSize">仕上がりサイズ:</label>
                <select id="bookSize" required>
                    <option value="A4">A4</option>
                    <option value="B5">B5</option>
                    <option value="A5">A5</option>

                <label for="weight">本文斤量 (kg): ※四六判の斤量を入力</label>
                <input type="number" id="weight" step="0.1" required min="0.1">

                <label for="pages">ページ数:</label>
                <input type="number" id="pages" required min="1">

                <label for="copies">部数:</label>
                <input type="number" id="copies" required min="1">

                <button type="button" id="calculateButton">計算</button>

            <div id="bookWeight"></div>
            <div id="totalWeight"></div>
            <div id="result"></div>
        <div class="right-column">
            <div id="table-container">

    function calculateResults() {
        const bookSize = document.getElementById('bookSize').value;
        const paperWeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('weight').value);
        const pages = parseInt(document.getElementById('pages').value);
        const copies = parseInt(document.getElementById('copies').value);

        const sizes = {
            "A4": [210, 297],
            "A5": [148, 210],
            "B5": [182, 257]

        const [width, height] = sizes[bookSize];
        const book_weight = paperWeight / (1091 * 788) * (width * height) * pages / 2;
        const total_weight = book_weight * copies / 1000;

        document.getElementById('bookWeight').innerHTML = `1冊の重さ: ${book_weight.toFixed(1)}g`;
        document.getElementById('totalWeight').innerHTML = `総重量: ${total_weight.toFixed(2)}kg`;

        const yamato = [
            { name: '60サイズ (2kg)', max: 60, maxWeight: 2000 },
            { name: '80サイズ (5kg)', max: 80, maxWeight: 5000 },
            { name: '100サイズ (10kg)', max: 100, maxWeight: 10000 },
            { name: '120サイズ (15kg)', max: 120, maxWeight: 15000 },
            { name: '140サイズ (20kg)', max: 140, maxWeight: 20000 },
            { name: '160サイズ (25kg)', max: 160, maxWeight: 25000 }

        const boxVolume = width + height + 10;

        let result = '';

        for (const size of yamato) {
            const booksPerBoxByVolume = Math.floor(size.max / boxVolume);
            const booksPerBoxByWeight = Math.floor(size.maxWeight / book_weight);
            const booksPerBox = Math.min(booksPerBoxByVolume, booksPerBoxByWeight);
            let boxesNeeded;
            if (booksPerBox > 0) {
                boxesNeeded = Math.ceil(copies / booksPerBox);
            } else {
                boxesNeeded = Math.ceil(total_weight * 1000 / size.maxWeight);

            result += `${size.name}: ${boxesNeeded}箱`;
            if (booksPerBox > 0) {
                result += ` (1箱あたり最大${booksPerBox}冊)`;
            } else {
                result += ` (重さで計算)`;
            result += '<br>';

        document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = result;

    document.getElementById('calculateButton').addEventListener('click', calculateResults);

    const inputs = ['bookSize', 'weight', 'pages', 'copies'];
    inputs.forEach((id, index) => {
        document.getElementById(id).addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
            if (e.key === 'Enter') {
                if (index < inputs.length - 1) {
                    // 次の入力欄にフォーカスを移動
                    document.getElementById(inputs[index + 1]).focus();
                } else {
                    // 最後の入力欄の場合、計算を実行

    // フォーム全体のエンターキー押下時の動作を防止
    document.getElementById('calculatorForm').addEventListener('submit', function(e) {

google driveに置いてiphoneでは見れません。dropboxでは見れました。他のホスティングサービスは試していません(契約していないので)
🔴google driveに置いて物理ドライブ(G)(PC版googledrive,昔で言うドライブファイルストリーム)では普通に開けます。
🔴googole driveに置いて右クリックから.htmlへのハイパーリンを取得し、社内メール等でリンクURLを送って開いたものは一旦webブラウザ内でhtmlコードが開くのでブラウザ上部のGoogleChromeで開くをクリックすれば見れます。(iphoneのchromeとsafariではこれが出て来ませんでした)
