Daily English Fun for Kids Vol.2
親子で楽しむ英語質問集50選 vol.2
6. Travel & Adventure | 旅と冒険
Where would you like to go on a vacation?
どこへ旅行に行きたいですか?Have you ever been to a different country? Where?
他の国に行ったことがありますか?どこですか?Do you prefer the mountains or the beach? Why?
What do you like to pack for a trip?
旅行に何を持って行きますか?What is your favorite way to travel: plane, train, or car?
好きな移動手段は飛行機、電車、車のどれですか?What kind of souvenirs do you like to buy?
どんなお土産を買うのが好きですか?What is the most exciting place you have visited?
一番楽しかった場所はどこですか?If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
世界中どこにでも行けるなら、どこに行きたいですか?Do you like camping? Why or why not?
キャンプは好きですか?その理由は?What would you do if you visited a jungle?
7. Nature & Animals | 自然と動物
What is your favorite animal? Why?
好きな動物は何ですか?なぜですか?Do you like the zoo or the aquarium? Why?
動物園と水族館のどちらが好きですか?なぜですか?What is your favorite season?
好きな季節は何ですか?Have you ever seen a wild animal? What was it?
野生の動物を見たことがありますか?何でしたか?What is your favorite flower?
好きな花は何ですか?Do you like playing outside in the rain?
雨の中で遊ぶのは好きですか?What do you know about trees?
木について何を知っていますか?What kind of pet would you like to have?
どんなペットが欲しいですか?Do you like bugs? Why or why not?
虫は好きですか?その理由は?What would you do if you could fly like a bird?
8. Hobbies & Creativity | 趣味と創造力
What is your favorite hobby?
好きな趣味は何ですか?Do you like drawing or painting?
お絵描きや絵を描くのは好きですか?What do you like to make with your hands?
手で作るのが好きなものは何ですか?Do you play any musical instruments?
楽器を弾きますか?What kind of stories do you like to write?
どんな物語を書くのが好きですか?What kind of crafts do you enjoy?
どんなクラフトを楽しみますか?If you could invent something, what would it be?
何かを発明できるなら、何を作りますか?Do you like cooking or baking? Why?
料理やお菓子作りは好きですか?なぜですか?What do you like to build with blocks or LEGO?
ブロックやレゴで何を作るのが好きですか?What is your favorite song to sing?
9. Imagination & Dreams | 想像力と夢
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
超能力があれば、どんな能力が欲しいですか?What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
1日透明人間になったら何をしますか?If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
どこでも住めるなら、どこに住みたいですか?What would you do if you found a treasure chest?
宝箱を見つけたらどうしますか?What kind of job do you want in the future?
将来、どんな仕事をしたいですか?If you could travel to space, what planet would you visit?
宇宙旅行ができるなら、どの惑星に行きたいですか?What would your dream house look like?
理想の家はどんな見た目ですか?If you could talk to animals, what would you say?
動物と話せるなら、何を言いますか?What kind of character would you be in a fairy tale?
おとぎ話の中でどんなキャラクターになりたいですか?What do you dream about at night?
10. Fun & Silly Questions 楽しいおふざけ質問
What would you do if you turned into a giant?
巨人になったらどうしますか?If you could eat only one food forever, what would it be?
一生一つの食べ物しか食べられないなら、何を選びますか?What would you do if your pet could talk?
ペットが話せたら何をしますか?What is the funniest joke you know?
知っている一番面白いジョークは何ですか?If you could swap places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
1日誰かと入れ替われるなら、誰になりたいですか?What would you do if it rained candy?
アメが雨のように降ってきたらどうしますか?If you had three wishes, what would they be?
願い事が3つ叶うなら、何を願いますか?If you could live in a cartoon world, which one would it be?
アニメの世界に住めるなら、どの世界を選びますか?What would happen if you could only hop instead of walk?
歩く代わりにジャンプしかできなかったらどうしますか?If you had a magical pet, what would it do?
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