IELTS practice Listening test 2 - part 3
Section three. You will hear a conversation between a research student, Jeremy, and his supervisor. They are talking about the process of having a research project published in a journal.
First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25.
Listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.
So. You're nearly ready to submit your article to an academic journal, are you? Yes, I think so.
I just wanted to go over all the things I need to do before I submit it. And then I wanted to go over the submission process with you. Great. So firstly, you need to write an abstract. Make sure it's short and concise.
Of course, I forgot all about that. And what about keywords? Yes, a lot of students overlook this part and just jot down whatever comes to mind. But take some time to make a list of keywords that are accurate and relevant.
Okay. Another thing. Could you have a look at my article before I submit? Absolutely. Actually, at least two senior staff members should always read through a final draft before submission.
Do you mind if I give it to Professor Johnson to have a look at as well? Not at all. I'd be glad to have the feedback. Do you know which journal you want to submit to yet? Not yet. I have a short list of about three that I'm interested in.
Make that decision soon because you'll need to adjust your article so that it matches the style guide of the journal you are submitting to.
I bet that can take a while. Yes, but after that you are just about ready to submit. One more thing. You'll have to sign the copyright form just confirming that it's your own work, and then you're good to go.
Now, the submission process, how does it work exactly? Well, the first thing is to just send it off. You've got to send in the manuscript before anything else can happen. Sure. And then should I call to check if they have received it? No need for that. No. All you have to do is just log on to your email regularly because you will get a submission confirmation once they have processed the manuscript. And that will have comments on what they thought of it. No, no comments yet. That email is just to let you know they have received it.
The next stage is what is known as peer review. This is when experts in the field review your manuscript and decide whether to accept it. They'll never accept me. I'm only a master's student. Don't worry about that, Jeremy. It's all done through a double blind method. That means that whoever reads your manuscript has no idea whether you are a grad student or a Nobel Prize laureate. They'll only be judging your work, not you.
Well, that's good to hear. And then what? Once they've made their decision, well. There are four possible outcomes. You might get an acceptance, but a first off acceptance is very, very rare.
Don't pin your hopes on it. You could also get a rejection. But these don't happen very often either.
I don't think this will be a problem. What do you think I'll get? If you're very lucky, you'll get a conditional acceptance. This means that they've accepted the article and it will be published, but you need to tweak a few things first.
A sentence here, a heading there. Nothing major. That sounds good. But to be honest, you will probably end up with a revise and resubmit. This means they are definitely interested, but you will need to rework the paper before it's accepted.
The necessary changes will be outlined by the reviewers. Okay, so I’ll just fix the things that need changing and present it again.
Yes, but include a cover letter that discusses the changes you have made. The same goes for a conditional acceptance. Actually, it helps the reviewers see that you've taken their criticism seriously.