How To Troubleshoot a Problem in Suck Less Audio (Suck Less Audioの問題解決法)
(This article is in English and Japanese, but the content is the same.)
If you have visited this site, that means you've encountered a problem with Suck Less Audio. I also had the same problem.
(このサイトに来たあなた方は、Suck Less Audioを使ってもうまく動作しないという悩みを持った人たちのはずです。僕もそうでした。
Please make sure the following:
1. Convert an audio file to a 16-bit WAV file.
2. Only Latin characters can be used in the file name or the file path it contains. (For example, you cannot use Japanese or Arabic characters.)
3. Place the audio file in the same folder as the Reactor-Installer.lua file you installed.
1. オーディオファイルを16bit WAVファイルに変換してみてください。
2. ファイル名とファイルパスにはローマ字(アルファベット)しか使えません。(日本語やアラビア語などは使用できません。)
3. 変換したオーディオファイルを Reactor-installer.luaファイルと同じフォルダに移してください。
The details of how to do this are listed below.
There are many ways to convert, but it's a good idea to install Audacity with the future in mind.
When you start Audacity, drag an audio file to load it.
(The image is from the compatible app Dark Audacity)
Then, choose [File] → [Save Other] → [Export as WAV].
(画像は互換アプリのDark Audacityのものです。)
(その後、[File] → [Save Other] → [Export as WAV]を選んで、
Make sure ① the file name is in Latin characters and ② the file type is WAV (Microsoft) signed 16-bit PCM.
(ファイル名が①ローマ字(アルファベット)になっていること、②ファイルの種類が WAV (Microsoft) signed 16-bit PCMになっていること を確認してください。
After doing so, move the audio file to the folder where Reactor-Installer.lua is located. (It's usually located in C:\Users\myName\Downloads.)
When you do this, be careful not to include any non-Latin characters in the file path.
Then go to "Modify With" and select "Audio(WAV)"…
(あとは"Modify With"から"Audio(WAV)"を選び…
It works fine when you select the file from "Browse"!
I wasted the day until I figured out what was wrong with it.
I'm sorry for my poor English.
I hope this article help you create a great video :)