

Hi there! My name is YURRY. Today I declare what I do from now.
I decided to write journal this time. I was struggle for my future and life currently, then I made a decision to write journal in English. 

My dream is going abroad and visit many countries. When I think what I can do, I can adapt any environment and use my sensitivity. Many ideas and creativity come down when I use my sensitivity, so I thought it is important to use it and show the world to audience. 

I guess less Japanese  use English and show their life to world, so I wanna be a first person to show Japan or life to English speaker. I don't know there is demand or not, however I'm really enjoying to use English and my sensitivity. It is first time to show my world in English. I wanna express range of things in Japan!

After corona virus is gone, I would travel Indonesia then I also show deep spot by my perspective. 
I would make my unique world and make fun!

This is my challenge and I don't think it is success easily, but I just want to enjoy it and want to make everyone happier!

Please wait with excited until I upload next:))
