Mad Money短信 2021/2/4
CNBCの投資情報番組 『Mad Money』。名物コメンテーター『ジムクレイマー』さんが番組で取り上げると、その後、取り上げられた株の株価が動くときがある?ため(筆者主観)、番組で取り上げられた銘柄の速報をこちらにアップしていきます
Apple: “If Tom Brady were a stock … he’d be Apple,” Cramer said. “Apple, like Brady, is the most consistent player in the game. Frankly, this is an easy call especially now that Apple’s getting into the car business.”
Running back
Nike: “Fleet and sure-footed in any weather, it’s a natural for the position,” the host said.
Amazon: “This stock was made for this position. If you throw the ball at Amazon, you know it’ll be caught,” he said.
Tesla: “Sly, racking up yardage by being at the right place at the right time, which, of course, is Tesla,” Cramer said. “You have that mercurial factor, but that’s practically a job requirement for a wide receiver.”
Alphabet: “I want Alphabet. Didn’t the company formerly known as Google win your respect this week with that incredible quarter? Can you really keep that one out of the lineup? Alphabet just quietly goes about catching,” he said. “It’s doing its thing. It’s integral to the game.”
Tight end
Microsoft: “Azure’s the hands, the operating system does the blocking and Linked-In’s a spectacular catch in the corner,” Cramer said.
Walmart: “We need Walmart at center because more people go to Walmart than any other store. Perfect synergy,” he said. “The stock’s down way too much right now, so you’re really getting a bargain.”
PayPal: “I want to go with PayPal, which is more of a blocking and tackling company than people realize,” Cramer said. “After the quarter they reported last night, it’s clear the company’s finally hitting its stride.”
Disney: “When the pandemic got vicious, Disney managed to pivot. They played hurt better than most players play healthy,” he said. “Somehow a business based on crowds and sports proved tough enough to become a finesse fiend at the right moment thanks to Disney+.”
Costco: “Just last night Costco delivered an extraordinary monthly sales number. The market yawned,” Cramer said. “I don’t care, no one’s getting past Costco.”
Home Depot: “It’s a bone crusher and yet it’s still nimble. I can see a running back following Home Depot all the way down to victory,” he said.
Chipotle: “We value consistency above all else with a kicker. That means we’re going to go with CMG, Chipotle, which just put up amazingly consistent results, even when its stores were closed,” Cramer said. “Didn’t matter. They found a way to get the ball between the uprights, no matter what.
Honeywell: “Who plays defense better than Honeywell? Here’s a company that reinvented itself as the first real industrial software play,” he said.
Disclosure: Cramer’s charitable trust owns shares of Honeywell, Apple, Costco, Walmart, Disney, Amazon and Nike.
-SPACはIPOサイクルに似ている。最初の頃はDraft KingsやEV銘柄など良かったが、最近はジャンク銘柄が増えてきている
-セレブリティがSPACを率いるケースが増えている。メジャーリーグのオークランドアスレチックスのオーナーのBilly Bean、ゴールドマンサックスエグゼクティブの Gary Cohn、元NBAスターのShaquille O’Nealなど。
Lighting Round
Upwork: “I think it’s a terrific idea.”
3D Systems: “It’s back. 3D Systems is real.”
Rocket Companies: “We’re not playing that short-squeeze game. That was a one and done and, frankly, if you like mortgages and you like Rocket, that’s fine, but we certainly never want to buy a stock because we think that the shorts are going to be on the run.”
Danimer Scientific: “I am inclined to like this, but so far there’s never been a real successful biodegradable that can scale, and that’s one of the reasons why, oddly enough, that Dow Chemical continues to do so well. I think it’s interesting, it’s intriguing, but please it is just a spec, nothing more than that.”
NortonLifeLock: “I do like the franchise and I think it’s got a good brand name.”
LHC Group: “I always default to Centene.”
2月に入って好調を維持し、NASDAQ, S&P500はNew Highを記録したようですね。調整後とは言え、これだけ値動きが軽いとなかなか嬉しいですね。
$AQB 増資
— ぽー/米国中小型株 (@Po_USA_Stock) February 4, 2021
スタメン$AQB 鮭養殖$SHMP エビ養殖$QUBT 漁師(量子コンピューター)
補欠$KURS くら寿司USA pic.twitter.com/l3yYOIPdAv
海鮮銘柄、鮭の養殖を手掛ける $AQB はARK銘柄でもあり、代表格です。これに加えてエビの養殖の $SHMP 、漁師(量子コンピューター)の $QUBT がメンバーとして参画しています。いずれも売り上げのない超初期の会社で、特にSHMPとQUBTはARKのような投資家によるお墨付きがない状態なので、リスク満載ではありますが、面白い銘柄たちです。
AQB +134%
SHMP +391%
QUBT +354%
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・Mad MoneyのLightning Roundという視聴者からの銘柄問い合わせに答えるコーナーでは、短時間で二言、三言でジムがコメントをします。
・筆者は、Native Speakerでないため、誤訳されている可能性もございます。ご容赦ください。