
Mad Money短信 2021/2/12

CNBCの投資情報番組 『Mad Money』。名物コメンテーター『ジムクレイマー』さんが番組で取り上げると、その後、取り上げられた株の株価が動くときがある?ため(筆者主観)、番組で取り上げられた銘柄の速報をこちらにアップしていきます






Tuesday: CVS Health, Zoetis, Ring Central and Occidental earnings
CVS Health

Q4 earnings release: before market; conference call: 8:45 a.m.
Projected EPS: $1.24
Projected revenue: $68.73 billion
“CVS has been challenged as a drug store by Amazon and challenged on the health insurance side by a host of competitors,” Cramer said. “If [CEO Karen] Lynch can raise numbers and back that up some solid traffic projections … I could see the stock finally getting the traction it deserves.”

-CVSはアマゾンや保険業界などからの競合にさらされている。もしCEOのKaren Lynchが数字を上げ、手堅いガイダンスを出すことができれば、株価はついに動き出すかもしれない。


Q4 earnings release: before market; conference call: 8:30 a.m.
Projected EPS: 86 cents
Projected revenue: $1.74 billion
“I think you’ll see another round of gains in the humanization of pets stocks,” he said.



Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected EPS: 27 cents
Projected revenue: $318 million
“RingCentral makes call center software, but they’ve also got a video conference platform that competes with Zoom and grows well,” the host said. “The company’s aggressive and it grows rapidly.”


Occidental Petroleum

Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: Wednesday, 11 a.m.
Projected losses per share: 58 cents
Projected revenue: $4.32 billion
“Many are predicting that the long bear market in oil is over. I am not so sure about that — too much supply — but if you believe it, no one is more bullish on oil than Occidental’s CEO, Vicki Holub,” he said.


Wednesday: Shopify, Twilio, Fastly, Pioneer Natural Resources and Boston Beer earnings

Q3 2021 earnings release: 6 a.m.; conference call: 8:30 a.m.
Projected EPS: $1.26
Projected revenue: $913 million



Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected losses per share: 8 cents
Projected revenue: $455 million
“I bet two of them deliver stellar, amazing quarters,” Cramer said.



Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected losses per share: 11 cents
Projected revenue: $82 million
“They’ve been rebuilding their credibility after a big shortfall in October,” he said. “I think the problems are behind them.”


Pioneer Natural Resources

Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: Thursday, 9 a.m.
Projected EPS: 70 cents
Projected revenue: $1.89 billion
“I don’t recommend many oil companies these days, but if you put a gun to my head to make me choose, I’d say, ‘would you please put the gun down and just go buy Pioneer,’” the host said.

-自分は石油関連をお勧めしないが、もし銃を頭に突き付けて、何か選べと言われたら、Pioneer Natural Resourcesを選ぶだろう

Boston Beer

Q4 earnings release: 4:15 p.m.; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected EPS: $2.63
Projected revenue: $453 million
“If one more company enters this hard seltzer business, will it be too much for them to handle?” he said. “I bet you can get still get another good quarter here, but do not overstay your welcome when you have guns coming at you like those guys. The field is getting crowded.”

-Samuel Adams Beerを持つブランド。スパークリングアルコール飲料のTrulyは好調だが、Budweiser, Constellation Brands, Coca colaが参入してきている。もう一社参入が増えたら対応しきれるだろうか?まだもう一回は良いQuarterが来るだろうが、このような競合の参入で銃を突きつけられているときにあまり長く熱狂し続けない方がよい

Thursday: Walmart, Barrick Gold, Applied Materials, Roku, The Trade Desk

Q4 2021 earnings release: 7 a.m.; conference call: 8 a.m.
Projected EPS: $1.51
Projected revenue: $148.26 billion
“I want to hear about some initiatives and benchmarks that show us that Walmart’s still hungry,” Cramer said.


Barrick Gold

Q4 earnings release: 6 a.m.; conference call: 11 a.m.
Projected EPS: 31 cents
Projected revenue: $3.25 billion
“I know that CEO Dr. Mark Bristow will give you a look at the only real growth and income play in the industry I trust,” he said. “It’s a buy ahead of the quarter if you like gold.”

-CEOのMark BristowはGrowthとIncomeの両方を達成するPlayを見せてくれるだろう。もしゴールドが好きなら決算前に買い。

Applied Materials

Q1 2021 earnings release: 4:01 p.m.; conference call: 4:30 p.m.
Projected EPS: $1.28
Projected revenue: $4.97 billion
“The stock has been rallying like crazy because of the [chip] shortage, but I think things are good enough for it to keep climbing, especially since the Biden White House seems to recognize the scale of the problem,” the host said.



Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected losses per share: 6 cents
Projected revenue: $615 million

Trade Desk

Q4 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected EPS: $1.88
Projected revenue: $292 million
“These companies are cord-cutting kingpins that are designed for the new world of watching and advertising sans cable. Everyone keeps wondering when their gains will stop,” he said. “Me, I’m wondering why anyone expects them to stop when it took cable decades to supplant traditional broadcast TV.”


Friday: Deere and Magna earnings

Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 10 a.m.
Projected EPS: $2.12
Projected revenue: $7.14 billion
“I bet Deere tells a story of higher commodity prices that has its order books brimming with tractors,” Cramer said.



Q4 earnings release: before market; conference call: 8 a.m.
Projected EPS: $2.58
Projected revenue: $13.03 billion
“We’ve got a red-hot auto market, they’re the best assembler, and these guys also assemble cars for compelling electric vehicle players, like Fisker,” he said.


まとめ、Earning Seasonの最終週は皆が想定するよりずっと良いものになるだろう。サイドトラックがメインイベントにならなければ、選べる良い銘柄が山ほどある。







Lighting Round


自分は、人々が考えているよりずっと良くなると考えている。Good to own。



I like Gramin


Air B&B

I'm huge believer of Brian Chesky. Is it too expensive than others? Let's just say that I think if you put ABNB away for long time, you will not think ABNB is not too expensive. But right now, I can see why some might say I'm being a little greedy.


Zoom Video: “I think Zoom is good. Zoom is still a lot down from the high. ... It is a staple.”

DuPont De Nemours: “I think that you should be a buyer of DuPont.”

Ageagle Aeria Systems: “I happen to like this business. By the way, if you want an easier way to own drones, though, what you want to do is you want to own Honeywell ... Please recognize [Ageagle] as the spec that it is.”

Affirm: “I think Affirm is an excellent democratizer ... you will do well with that stock.”

General Electric: “I think you want to own the stock.”

Abbvie: “AbbVie is a very inexpensive stock at 8-time earnings ... and I think you can buy AbbVie with that 5% yield and feel good. It’s a bargain.”

AT&T: “You’re reaching for yield there ... I don’t think AT&T offers any peace of mind, so I’m going to have to say no to that one.”

Nvidia: “Who does not want to own the stock of Nvidia?”


来週決算を迎えるBoston Beer のところで、Hard seltzerという単語が出てきて、知らなかったので調べてみました。2019年にはUSD 4.4 billionの市場規模で2020-2027年にCAGR 16.2%で成長する飲料市場としては超Growth市場のようです。


Boston Beer社のTrulyとMARK ANTHONY BRANDS INTERNATIONALのWhite Clawが市場の二強で市場の75%を占めるようです(2020年7月時点)。



Boston Beerの看板商品はSamuel Adamsビールですが、このビール販売が落ち込む中、昨年は200%成長したTrulyが会社全体の成長を支えているようです。ただ、こんな美味しい市場を他社が放っておくわけもなく、コカ・コーラー含む、飲料メーカーが怒涛の如く参入をしてきているため、競争が激しくなり売上・株価を維持するのが簡単ではなくなってくるというのが、ジムのコメントの背景のようでした。








・全ての情報はMad Moneyからの『引用』です。筆者の分析・コメントではありません。本家サイトはこちらからどうぞ

・Mad MoneyのLightning Roundという視聴者からの銘柄問い合わせに答えるコーナーでは、短時間で二言、三言でジムがコメントをします。


・筆者は、Native Speakerでないため、誤訳されている可能性もございます。ご容赦ください。



