
#3 To Build up Trust with people: Maico's Little Random Talks in Japanese「Maicoのちょっとした話(はなし) part 3:信頼/信用を積み重ねる(しんらい/しんようをつみかさねる)」


Hello, everyone! It's Maico. 
Sorry that I haven't posted a video for a while.

あの、英語えいごのwant、want、発音はつおんってるかな… あの~、何々なになにしいとか、何々なになにしたいとか、そのwant、の日本語にほんごは、まぁいまったように、何々なになにしい、何々なになにがしたい、だとおもうんだけど、たまにしがる、とか、したがる、とか、いたことあるかな?「がる」がときがあるんですよね。
Well, I'd been making a video for a while. It's unfinished, or rather, I was in the process of making one.
Um, the English word want, want, I wonder if my pronunciation is correct... um, I mean, the word want that means To want something or To want to do something, the Japanese words for that are, as I just said, ~が欲しい/To want something, ~したい/To want to do something, you know. But, have you ever heard of 欲しがる or したがる? Sometimes がる is attached to 欲しい or したい.

So, I'd been trying to make a video explaining the difference between when がる is attached and when がる is not attached.

But, how can I put it, when I was making a conversational dialogue for the introduction(?), a conversation that included example sentences, or when I was thinking about the background art design of the video, I couldn't really find something that I could say to myself, "This is it!/That's the ticket!", or that I could convince myself with, and once I had that settled, words to explain things smoothly start to come to mind. But this time, it hasn't come to me yet, or rather, it hasn't come up with an idea that fits the video perfectly yet, so I think I'll leave it for a while.

Instead of that video, I'm recording "Maico's Little Random Talks in Japanese" Part 3 today.

So, as for what I want to talk about today, it might sound like I'm going to talk about a big, over-the-top theme, but I'd like to talk about "trust" or "credibility" as a big, easy-to-understand theme. But it's not that I want to talk about something so excessive, but rather something I felt and thought about when I was talking with my daughter the other day, and that's what made me want to talk about it.

My daughter, who is now in her first year of high school and will enter her second year of high school in April, sometimes confides in me about her complaints, or rather worries about her friendships.
Um, I think, sometimes, or rather, most of the time, adolescent children usually have some kinds of feelings, like, "They'll just get upset if I talk about this anyway," or "They'll say I'm bad”. It can be said that there is a lack of trust or a lack of credibility. I think that such things happen from time to time. I hear about it all the time around me. Some children never talk to their parents about such things.

Also, I think the same goes for teachers.
Even if some child has a problem with something at school, they never consult with their teachers. I think there are quite a few children like that.

In the case of my daughter, when she says something to me, I listen to her feelings, accept her situation, and share her standpoint saying, "Oh, okay", but as a parent, I also correct what needs to be corrected, deny, um, I don't mean deny, but say, "I think it would be bad" or "You should improve your bad part" as a lesson.

In that sense, she seems to have a high level of trust in me, yeah, I'm thankful for that, thankfully, since she has the high level of that, she always asks me for advice whenever she has problems with her friendships.

So, I think that such trust is the accumulation of all these things one by one.
I wonder how I can phrase this... hmmm. I think I, as a parent, am like a friend to my daughter, like a sister to her... hmmm... and a proper (parent), proper? I'm not sure, but I've been trying to be a parent who is there for her, and I've been doing my best for the past 16 years, but I'm just an ordinary person who is not always doing the right thing. There are times when my physical condition is bad, or my mood is, um, bad, or I get frustrated.
So, there are times when I say things I don't need to say, or when the way I say something gets worse.

Then, the other day, in the middle of the conversation with my daughter, I
referred to another story that had happened to my daughter before and accidentally said something like, "Didn't that happen because your thoughts are the way they are?".
However,  at that time, my daughter said, "That story has nothing to do with what we are talking about now, does it?" Then, I said to her, "Oh, yes, you're right. I'm sorry, that was Mom's fault. That was my fault. I apologize for that".
Like, "but, …", I try to pick myself up and talk to her, but once I admitted my fault, my daughter agreed with me, and she also switches her mind, like, "That was the end of it. Now let's get back to our topic again".

Well, she knows that I’m a person who always apologizes to her, apologizes for what she makes mistakes.
I'm grateful that she seems to place a high degree of trust in me because of that part of me as well.

Um, with my husband, I often (have disagreements), I'm not sure it often happens, but, well, I think we get along well. We think alike in some ways, but we are opposites in others, and when that happens, we have a disagreement with each other. I mean we get into quarrels.

However, when I feel I’m saying too much to him or making a mistake myself, when someone points it out to me, and when I think, "Oh, you're right", I immediately say, "I'm sorry if that's how it sounded to you".
Then, afterward, I try not to drag it, um, when I have another conversation with him, I try to talk so as not to drag out the awkwardness.

Um, there are times when I can't that, and there are times when my partner can't, so I sometimes wait until the time comes when we can both be considerate of each other's feelings.
When I am waiting for such a time, I say something that will please(?) him, something that will make him laugh, or show them by my actions if there is something I can do for him.

Then, also, if I have lost trust in him, I will try to follow up and fix it myself, yeah.
I think that's how you build up trust and credibility, and I believe that our relationship will continue because we've been doing that to each other.

Even when you say the single word family, well, my husband and I are not related by blood, and even if we were, I think it is still important to have mutual trust or credibility. I don't think the idea of being blood-related has much to do with it (our relationship).

So, I think it's important for us to build up our trust and credibility in each other, even if we are a family so that we can win the trust, um, saying the word win might not sound right, but gain the trust and credibility of our family members. Also, I think it's important to do it mutually.

で、そのかさねてきた信頼しんらい信用しんようがあるからこそ、おたがいになんかぎちゃったとき言葉ことばえらびを間違まちがえちゃったときとかに、あ~、このひといま、すごいきついことってくるけど、なんか体調たいちょうわるいのかな? 仕事しごとつかれてるのかな? とか、言葉ことばえらびは間違まちがってるけど、このひとやさしいひとだから、自分じぶんのために、えてってくれてるのかな?きらわれてもいいから、ここだけは、ここだけは自分じぶんさはくさないでほしい、とか、ここだけは、わったほうがいいんじゃないかっておもう、みたいな… その意見いけんを、えてぶつけてくれてるのかな、っておもえる、おもえるようになる、とおもうんですよね。
And it's precisely because of that trust and credibility that we have built up over time, I believe, that we can start to feel this way about the other person's actions when we have said too much to each other or when we have made a mistake in choosing the right words: Oh, this person is saying some harsh things to me right now, but I wonder if they are in bad shape. Are they tired from work? Or they are just choosing the wrong words, but they are usually so kind that I wonder if they say this on purpose for my sake. I wonder if they are deliberately expressing their opinions to me, such as, "I don't mind if you don't like me, but just there, at least that part of you, I don't want you to lose your great part," or "I think you might want to change at least that part of you".

Well, you know, I think it's the bitter words in a relationship where there is trust and credibility that can be shocking, sad, and depressing. But I am sure that person cares about me and is advising me to do better. I think it depends on mutual trust.

ひとは、わたしは、われるとおもっていて、自分じぶんでも、わってきたことはたくさんあるとおもうけど、でも、自分じぶんわるくせって、やっぱり、えようとおもっても、自分じぶんが、そこが、えなきゃいけないってわかってても、なかなか 100%ひゃくぱーせんと 完璧かんぺきわれるっていうことはなくて、少しずつ意識いしきしながらえてかないといけないところだとおもうんですよね。
Well, I think that everyone absolutely has a thing that are difficult to change, even though they know that they should change it.
I believe that you can change yourself, and I feel like I have changed myself a lot, but, I also think even if you try to change your bad habits, even if you know that you have to change them, it's not easy to change them 100% perfectly. I think they are what you have to change little by little while being conscious of them.

However, I think that the people telling me straight just for my benefit are the ones that I must cherish the most.
Then, well, for me, those people are my husband, my daughter, and sometimes my friends.

I think, sometimes, some parents would say, "How dare you talk to me like that!" to their children when their children point out something to them, but I've never said that, and even if they're children and their lives are shorter than mine, I have never been upset about what they point out to me. I think, even if you have been alive for a long time, do not know anything about what you have not experienced. And even if a certain person is a child, even if their life is shorter than yours, they have experienced things that you have not. Yeah, I have a lot to learn from my daughters. There are also things that my daughter says to me and I think, "Oh, yes, that's right."
How you accept or reject that is up to you, but I think it has a lot to do with the relationship of trust between you and the other people.

Well, as one example, let me tell you a story about my daughter and a friend of hers. Well, when something wrong happened between my daughter and a friend of hers, it seemed like my daughter had to apologize for something, and she thought she should apologize, but she couldn't think of the right words to say to her friend immediately, in a flash. Then just when she was struggling with looking for the right words to apologize, another friend of hers around there said things like, "It seems like she's not willing to apologize at all!/ She takes forever to apologize!"
And then, when she was thinking about apologizing, but was struggling with what to say, she felt like that friend told her such a thing that made it even more difficult for her to say anything, to apologize. 

Well, it's not a good thing at all that she couldn't apologize immediately, and I understand that. But, I also understand the feeling of not being willing to apologize after having been told like "She seems not to be willing to apologize at all" because I’ve been there when I was a child.
However, I know that it's not good for my daughter, so I told her that it's not good that she was late in apologizing to her friend, and no matter what other people say to her, she must say "I'm sorry" first. If she knows that she is at fault, it's better to say "I'm sorry" as soon as possible, and it's important to say "I'm sorry" no matter what the situation is, and every relationship starts from there.

But then, years after that, when my daughter was talking with some of her friends about something else, the story came up again, and the friend of hers brought it up, like, "I remember you didn't apologize to me at that time". After that incident, from my daughter's perspective, she's been immediately apologizing, saying "I’m sorry" as soon as possible, and whenever she was at fault, she's kept that in mind. But since she was told such a thing, she said she felt a little sad.

But then, my daughter was told by someone who had recently gotten friends with my daughter, but who had heard about that past trouble from the friends around her, that "Anyway, I know you learned to apologize and you've been doing it lately, right?". At that time, my daughter felt a little uncomfortable about it as well.
It seemed like she felt like "I’ll be okay if Mom told me about it, but why would she, who's just gotten friends with me recently and who learned the past situation between another friend of mine and me just by hearing that from other people, condescendingly say something like "Anyway, I know you learned to apologize and you've been doing it lately, right?".

I think that my daughter would have felt something was wrong, depending on the level of trust or credibility, the level of accumulation of it of the person.
According to my daughter, if it had been a long-time friend who was discussing it with her or me (her mom), who had said such a thing, she would have felt happy that her growth and effort had been recognized. But it didn't sit well with her to be told such a thing by a friend with whom she had recently become friends and with whom she still had a shallow relationship because she thought she was discussing it based on trust with her longtime friend with whom she was discussing at that time.

Um, I was like, 'Yeah, but I think you should have taken it gratefully. I'm sure that that girl was trying to help you and wanted to tell your other friends there,  like, "You know, lately, she has been apologizing a lot. It's just something that happened in the past and she's already improved, right?". She might have meant it as a "助け船 / lifeboat".'

However, apparently, she wasn't very happy that that girl who didn't know her for so long told her that.
Well, I accepted her feelings, but I also told her that it would be better for herself if she thinks "Thank you" to the girl.

Well, like that, I think that trust is something that shows the value of the relationship between people a lot.
So, whether we are family, friends, or strangers, I don't think the words? the words like "We get along so well, right?," or "We hit it off, don't we? We're good friends, right?" alone will change anything, and I think it's only when there is trust and credibility in your relationships that they will be expressed in your attitudes and actions.

So, ummmm, how can I say this? Words have so much power, and I have felt that someone's words have saved your life, lightened your heart, or brightened your mind, I bet everyone has experienced these things, and I have experienced them myself pretty much as well, but unless you add your behavior and your attitude to the words, I don't think they will ultimately lead to your trust or credibility.

It's actually quite easy to say something in words. Sometimes all you have to do is say superficial words. If you learn the words that sound nice, you can say them even if you don't really think about others. However, the most difficult part is to translate what you have said into actual action, and I think your attitude and actions show how much you care about others and how much you can cherish them.

So, um, in the end, even if the choice of words of someone is poor or not accompanied by words, if the action is toward me, I believe that trust will be born there, yeah. On the other hand, no matter how warm and gentle someone's words are, if they don't come along with someone's actions and attitude, nothing resonates in my heart, and I think they could work negatively contrary to someone's expectations, and lead to a loss of trust and credibility.

Hmmm, how should I put it... There is a word 有言実行 (ゆうげんじっこう/Walking the talk).
That is like, saying "I will do this! I will change it like this way! I will do this way!" and then doing what you said.
I think that would be a great thing, and if you could do it, it would increase people's trust in you.
For example, if you tell your friends or family members about your New Year's resolutions or post them on social media, you may feel that you are putting pressure on yourself or that you can get the energy to make it with that. Like, "I've told everyone, so I have to do my best!". I think some people use that as a motivation to achieve their goals.

It's, well, what you try for yourself, a promise just for yourself, so even if you don't achieve it, even if you end it in the middle or give up on it, I can say there is no disadvantage to the people around you. Like, as for (giving up on) smoking, it will affect people around you a little, but if you say "I'll try to lose 5kg this year", or "I'll eat less sweet food", there will be no disadvantage to the people around you even if you can't achieve it.

I think it's good to walk the talk for those kinds of things.
Yeah, and when you accomplish those, people around you will be like, "Oh, that's great!", and they will praise you.

But, I mean, speaking of your promise that has something to do with the people around you, or, your clear statement of that even if it's a small one such as "I will do it this way!" "I will do it that way!", and "I will change it like this!", if situations happen easily where that (promise) is not kept, if it happens a lot, if it happens all the time, if it happens often if not all the time, I think it will cause people to lose a great deal of trust in you.

Therefore, if you have made a promise, even if it's a small promise, it is better to make an effort to achieve it, and if you can't do it, then that would mean you don't care about that person that much.
Conversely, I believe if that is how the person on the receiving end of your action takes it like "This person doesn't care about me that much", you just have to accept that.

And I know that some people might think It's unfair, but I try not to make too many small promises because of the ideas I mentioned now.

ん~、なんうのかなぁ、信頼しんらいうしないたくないからちいさな約束やくそくをしないっていう観点かんてんると、ずるいっておもうかもしれないけど、何てうんだろう、まぁそう、それもあるのかもしれないけど、ん~、なんうかな…自分じぶんのことがわかっているから? なんうんだろう、自分じぶんわるいところをわかっていて、自分じぶんわるいところがそう簡単かんたんには改善かいぜんしにくい、改善かいぜんしようと努力どりょくはしているけど、そんなに、明日あしたからスパッとわる、そういうことがない、そういうことはなかなかこらない、ていうことをっているから。
Hmmm, how should I say, from the point of view of not making small promises because you don't want to lose trust, you might think it's unfair, but, well, I guess that might be part of it, but, how should I put it... because I know myself? Well, I know what's wrong with me, and I know that it's not so easy to improve, and I'm making efforts to improve, but I don't think that tomorrow I'll be able to do it distinctly. I know that it's not so easy to change things and that such a thing doesn't happen very often.

I can also say I try not to make small promises because I know where I am right now, how can I say, the level I am at(?), something like that, or how much I can change?
I realize that I would disappoint a person who is close to me by saying ("I'll change this"), I can't say "I'll do something! I will change something! I will do something!" because I know I haven't actually reached that level yet.
Well, to be honest, there are times when I accidentally say it though.

えるように努力どりょくはします!えるように頑張がんばります!」とはうけど「何々なになにをする!何々なになにえる!」ってい切ることは出来できないかな… ま、ずるいよね。ずるいかもしれないけど。

でも、まぁその、自分じぶんわるくせとか、自分じぶんわるところをなおしていく、改善かいぜんしていってる途中とちゅう自分じぶんがいる、っていうことを、いつもこころめて、自分じぶんはまだ修業しゅぎょうっていうか、自分じぶんはまだ 完璧かんぺきじゃない、まぁ 完璧かんぺきに、ぬまでに 完璧かんぺきになれるひとなんていないとおもうんだけど。






うん、たとえば旦那だんなさんになにときも、ん~もしかしたらこれで、かれなかわたし信用しんようはすごくがるかもしれないし、きらわれるかもしれない。でも、それでも、ん~、相手あいてとの信頼しんらいを、うん、しんじて、わたしがこれをえてつたえるのは、ん~、わたしからたら、ここがわったら、あなたはもっとらくになるんじゃないか、そういう気持きもちがあるからつたえてるっていう、その、なんうんだろ、愛情あいじょう愛情あいじょうなのか? 気持きもち、ん~、それをわかってくれるかなぁ、とおもひとにだけっている。

ただ、わたしがそういうことをときは、なるべく相手あいてかおながら相手あいてが、わたし表情ひょうじょう声色こわいろが「いていて、おだやかだな」(とおもえる)、そこから、ん~、悪意あくいじゃなくて、愛情あいじょう? そのわたしのそれをつたえる 気持きもちをかんじてもらえる状況じょうきょうでするようにしています。






