
#1 The Warmth of Strangers and Clumsy Me: Maico's Little Random Talks in Japanese 「Maicoのちょっとした話 Part1:見知らぬ人たちの温かさと、おっちょこちょいな私


(Posted February 20, 2023 at midnight)

I ended up adding the Japanese subs on the video, so I wrote down not only the Japanese script but also the English script here lol
I didn't ask anyone to check my English this time, so if you find any weird or wrong expressions in the English script, please let me know either on YouTube, on Reddit, in the comments section of this blog, or anywhere else.
I'll fix them.

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Hello there!
Hello there!
Hi, everyone! It's Maico.
Thank you so much for always watching my videos!
Today, I have a sudden idea that I'd like to make a video in which I just talk and talk.
I'd be really happy if you could use it to practice listening to Japanese.

Then, I was wondering what I should talk about...
Self-Introduction, introducing Japanese culture or food…?
I realized that many other Japanese people already did those things,
and I didn't feel like it would be interesting and fun to do myself,
so I was really wondering…

I'm a bit clumsy, I mean, careless.
So I make a lot of mistakes.
As I've made many mistakes in my long life up to now, well, I don't know if it's long or not though, I think those mistakes might be funny stories, or it would be good if I could talk about what I learned and what I felt through these failures.

The failure that I'm going to tell you about for the first episode today, and what I felt from it is that, ummmm, first, about when was that, I mean about 15 years ago.
I'm a mom of a girl who is a junior high school student right now, and this is a story about when my daughter was still in my belly, when I was a pregnant woman.

Pregnant women are often told by their doctors, "Exercise a lot. Walk a lot!"
If you don't exercise, your body weight will increase, which puts a burden on your body, and it is probably not good even for your heart. Also, you would lose muscle without working out, so you need to build more physical strength for giving birth to your baby. That's why they tell you to walk around a lot.
So I made it a habit to walk every day as much as possible back then.

At that time, I was living in Yokohama, umm, Yokohama is the largest city in a prefecture called Kanagawa, located next to Tokyo.
Then, there's the biggest station there, which is called Yokohama Station, where I used to live close.

There are many stores in Yokohama Station. So even if I don't buy anything, I can go window shopping for clothes, bags, knick-knacks, and books, and you can even get food. That's why it was not a pain for me to walk around every day.

Unfortunately, it was raining that day, but I talked to myself, "Okay! I'll walk today as well!" So, with an umbrella, I walked to Yokohama Station.
Then, after shopping, well, it was mainly for food though, when I was walking around the plaza outside Yokohama Station, going back home… You know, because lots of people use Yokohama Station after all, it's always crowded with a lot of people, and when it was raining, the umbrellas and umbrellas often bump into each other.

I had a large stomach, so I was walking while taking care of it, and then, someone rushing from across the street bumped into my umbrella.

Then, just after that, the shaft pole of my umbrella hit my left eye. It wasn't a pain that I could say "ouch!" that much, but it hit my eye.   
At that moment, my left eye blurred and I couldn't see.
The reason is that I wear contact lenses.
In other words, my hard contact lens must have fallen off the moment the pole of the umbrella hit it.
That's why I couldn't see.

I thought, "Oh my gosh… I dropped my contact!" I thought to myself.
Because contact lenses are not that cheap, I can't help thinking, "If you've dropped your contacts, it would suck".

But, since it was just after it dropped, I thought I could find it if I looked for it around my feet. However, it was raining that day, right?
Even worse, the plaza in front of the station had a large puddle of water, due to the floor tiles being slightly dented because people had been walking around there frequently.
I dropped my contact lens right there.

Contact lenses are almost see-through, so if they fall into the water, it's very tricky to find them, but I thought, "Anyway, I have no choice but to look for them!" So I bent down, even though my big belly got in the way, and with an umbrella, I stuck my hand into the puddle of water, well, it was shallow enough that I couldn't say I stuck my hand in though, anyway, I started searching for my contact lens.

Soon after that, a couple of women called out to me.
"What's the matter?"
"Ah, I dropped my contact lenses and I'm looking for them..." I replied.
Then, without saying a word, these two women began to search for my contact lenses together, one on my left side and the other on my right side!

(わたしは) そうって、わたしたちは3人さんにんでコンタクトレンズをさがはじめました。
(Me:) "Noooo way! It's OK! I'm sorry! It's going to take a while and I bet you two are busy, right?"
However, they were like "But it would be faster for the three of us to search than for one person alone, so we'll help you! We have time."
"Thank you so much! Sorry to have troubled you! That's really helpful!"
I told them so, and the three of us started looking for my contact lens.

If I were just alone, I would have given up and 帰れ/kaere(←Just said the wrong thing) gone home if I couldn't find it after searching for a while, but since people other than myself, not even friends but just strangers, were searching for me, あける/akeru (←Just said the wrong thing). I couldn't just give up.

As we searched for them, more and more people began to gather.
I guess they were thinking like "Three women are squatting around a large puddle of water, doing something. What is happening?" and it'd attract people's attention.
"What are you doing?"
"Ah, I lost my contact, so I'm looking for them..."
Then, without saying a word, they would squat down around the puddle and start searching for it together.
(Me:) "Oh...thank you and sorry for the trouble!

In this way, even if they didn't ask me directly, they asked the people around me like "What is it? What's going on?", and more and more people began to take part in that.

As more than 10 people were involved in my search for my contact, I couldn't afford to give up and I was so focused on my search.

I was under an umbrella, so I couldn't see much around me, and also as I concentrated on looking for my contact, I didn't even notice that more and more people were coming.

Then, I searched and searched as much as I can, and I finally found it!
So, I unconsciously stood up, and I was like
"There it iiiiiis!

Then, I heard a loud and thunderous applause in my ears, which was so loud that I thought, "Is this the place where I'm going to get my award or something?"
[The sound of the applause]
"You did it!"
"Glad you found it!"
I noticed that there were more than 30 people gathered around the large puddle of water, all crouching down to look for my contact.

I'd probably dropped my contact just around my feet, so there was no way the contact could have been across the large puddle of water, but somehow, everyone was in a circle around the puddle forming a line, searching for my contact lens together for about 10 minutes, or 15 minutes.

I was so surprised that there were more than 30 people there, and since I had been focusing on searching and hadn't been aware of the number of people there, I was so amazed.

My impression of Yokohama Station was that it is usually full of people walking around, not speaking to each other or making eye contact, and I'd call it more like a bleak atmosphere. even when we bumped into each other, there was even no "What?!", and I used to have an impression of them passing away in silence. But with this experience, I realized, "Oh, they are such warm people!" and it healed my mind.

Why? Because even after more than 15 years have passed, I still vividly remember the puddle of water, the more than 30 people, and the applause, all of them.
That is how much of an impression it left on me.

Have you ever felt the warmth of such people, of strangers, of people who are not even your friends, or just people you pass by?

I feel that I'd like to be a person, who can help people to make their hearts warm, even though we usually only pass by each other without much awareness in our daily lives.

Well, I'd be happy if making videos could make those who are studying the Japanese language feel warm, even if only a little.
Yeah, that is how I feel.

Well, I suddenly had the idea of talking here today, so I can't tell how long I will continue this or if I will just end with this episode, but thank you for listening to my long, rambling story.

I'll probably write down the script and put it on some blog site, and I'll post a link to it in the description of this video.
See you in the next video!
See you soon! Bye!
