
Not to Live a Long Life, To Live well

It was on a Sunday last October: while I was carrying an old and heavy dehumidifier, accidentally I dropped it on my left big toe. There was internal bleeding under the nail and it hurt for a few days after that. I went to an orthopedic, had an X-ray and it was found that there was no problem with the bones. The bruises under the nail turned dark purple and have never disappeared.
One day in January, I realized that there was a gap at the bottom of the toenail and I could see a new nail growing under it. The gap became wider as days went by. I understood that the old nail was disconnected, cut off with the nutrition provided, and gradually pushed up. In short, it was already dead. A few days passed and I was surprised at the fact that the old and dead nail disappeared from the toe. Then I found it at a spot on the living room floor. I would say that the old nail softened because of taking a bath and came off without any resistance or pain. ( Its size was 12 mm in width and 7 mm in height.) The new nail was soft, thin, and easily broken and torn, which may have been hooked with a fabric of the sock. So I had to protect it by taping it up.
Looking back on things that have happened to my big toe for those four months, I can’t help being amazed at the repairing mechanisms of cells. Living cells protect us, and so do dead cells. The dead cells also have their own roles. It makes sense to know that our outermost layer of the skin consists of dead cells. The skin encases our inner liquid and soft tissues and protects us from invading pathogens or physical impact to some degree.
There are about 30 trillion cells in the human body. The cells always exchange their parts at the molecule level. In a cell, the ribosomes compose proteins from amino acids as they are reading codes on the RNA. Sometimes old cells are totally broken and new ones are produced. Some cells clean and carry the broken wastes to the lymph vessels like the sewerage system. For all activities needed for cells to function correctly, energy and materials are required.

What brings them to cells? What we eat does. Especially for producing energy, mitochondria, which are oval parts in the cells, are crucial.
Minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols have a key role in the exchange of molecules and electrons in the process of metabolism. We should avoid processed food as much as possible. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and fermented food should be taken.

The human body only works correctly with fine cooperation of metabolism, brain and nerves, and immune systems. Cells also communicate with each other. It is said that a well-balanced microbiota in our intestine is obviously related to the brain and nerve function. It is also reported that some infectious diseases, like measles, could erase immune memories of no matter vaccination or previous infections, and make us so vulnerable and susceptible.

I don’t want to live for a long time but want to be well enough to take care of myself. So I will learn more about the human body mechanism and health, and what I should do to enhance my health.
