(今度こそ本当に)復活!! 1st album: pomodorosa
このアルバム、元はといえば今のようなストリーミングサービスが始まる前から楽曲を公開していたSoundCloudで、その時に一番再生回数の多いトラックを集めた「Top 20 + 1」というプレイリストが起源になっている。
見てもらえればわかる通り、一番上には最新のトラックを乗っけているが二曲目以降はものすごい再生数を誇る人気楽曲が順にずらっと並んでいるのがわかるだろう。いわゆる"ハズレなし"のpomodorosa濃縮プレイリストである。Spotifyで言うところの"This is"だ。
After all, this album is amazing.
This winter, I moved distributors and re-registered my songs, I prioritized reviving this album, which is the most popular one. Listening to it again and looking at the lyrics, I couldn't help but praise myself for the high quality of the album. The artist name and icon "Cherry Tomato" are not just for show. I felt that this album was my best work at this point.
This album originally started as a playlist called "Top 20 + 1" that collected my most played tracks on SoundCloud, where I had been releasing my music since before the advent of modern streaming services.
As you can see, the latest track is at the top, but from the second song onwards, the most popular songs with huge numbers of plays are lined up in order. It's a so-called "Can't go wrong" pomodorosa condenced playlist. It's "This is" on Spotify.
As the world's music shifts to streaming services, I decided to turn this playlist into an album through Repost, the distribution division of SoundCloud, which I was signed to at the time, in order to deliver my songs to more listeners. This was exactly 5 years ago in 2020.
However, I felt that 20 songs was too many for an album in my sense, not a playlist. I further considered the overall context and song order from this list, and ultimately narrowed it down to 14 songs to make my first album.
The result was a great success. The number of plays steadily increased from the time of release, and at its peak it became a major earner on Spotify, the main battlefield, accounting for 60% of the plays of the entire catalog. The average number of plays per day was 5,000, with 2,500 listeners.
But one day, it suddenly stopped working.
After all that trouble, I'm not going to say who's to blame or what's wrong with it anymore. However, I have learned firsthand that streaming services have a hidden danger of sudden death.
In any case, my masterpiece has been revived. Many listeners around the world have sent messages of relief and support. Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese...I can't even count how many messages I received. There was no physical media, and I am truly grateful to the listeners who patiently waited for the album to be revived in the midst of anxiety.
In this way, I realized how great this album is, and at the same time, it became a wall that I wanted to overcome. This is a cherry tomato wall. Even though it's a mini tomato, it's huge.
If this tomato stands in front of me like a giant Jupiter, refusing to let me advance into outer space, I want to develop an engine that can break through it.
Up until now, I thought it was just only best album, but now I feel like this album is a reliable but worthy rival. I'm not going to lose!
Thanks for reading!