





Which form of drama, also known as creative drama, involves an instructor guiding participants to first imitate actual experiences and then reflect upon them?

❎ Product-centered drama

❎ Natural-state drama

⭕️ Process-centered drama

❎ Method acting


Theatre in Education, or TIE, is considered a mix of formal theatre and creative drama (also known as process-centered drama) where the outcome of a performance:

❎ Has various versions that the performers must choose before performing

⭕️ Is undetermined and solely at the discretion of performers “in the moment”

❎ Is scripted, meaning actors are limited by specific dialog and movements

❎ Is completely up to the teacher


A high school drama class is studying the play Huckleberry Finn. The teacher asks two students to get in front of the class and act out the roles of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer. However, she asks the students to rely on their imaginations and act as though Huck and Tom are 20 years older than they are in the actual play. This type of unscripted acting is called:

❎ Spontaneous depiction

❎ In-depth characterization

❎ Character relationship analysis

⭕️ Improvisation


If a drama teacher wanted to demonstrate pantomime to her students, she might do which of the following?

❎ Recite Edgar Allen Poe's “The Raven”

⭕️ Attempt to tell a story using only facial expressions and bold gestures

❎ Sing Evita’s “Don't Cry for Me Argentina”

❎ Sit cross-legged in the center of the room and chant


A ninth-grade theatre class sits in a circle while their teacher lays a large rectangular piece of cloth in the center of the circle. Each student is asked to enter the circle, pick up the cloth, and answer the question: “What could this piece of fabric be?” The students are encouraged to use their imaginations while answering. This is an example of:

⭕️ A theatre game used as a warm-up

❎ Skill development to encourage group cohesion

❎ A concentration exercise

❎ Ad-libbing to create a plot


You and your best friend are walking through a park and you find a diamond ring. You want to find the ring's rightful owner, but your friend insists on selling the ring for extra spending money.

A fourth-grade drama teacher instructs two of her students to act out the above scenario using improvisation. This exercise is intended to aid in the class's comprehension of which of the following components of drama?

⭕️ Conflict

❎ Role reversal

❎ Foreshadowing

❎ Climax


What is the most important difference between process-centered drama and production-centered drama?

❎ Production-centered drama always takes place on a main stage, while process-centered drama always takes place in a classroom

⭕️ A teacher allows a high level of creative freedom in process-centered drama. In production-centered drama, there is a director and the outcome is structured and predetermined

❎ Process-centered drama is free, while production-centered drama has many financial costs involved

❎ Production-centered drama involves a high level of improvisation, whereas process-centered drama is entirely scripted


Listening, reacting, engaging in eye contact, and thoroughly understanding prompts are all important elements when nurturing a student's ability to develop what broad skill?

⭕️ Effective interaction

❎ Role playing

❎ Performance

❎ Rehearsal


To encourage successful collaboration among members of an ensemble, a drama teacher must do all of the following except:

❎ Involve all willing participants

⭕️ Force the group to make creative decisions without offering help

❎ Invite new ideas from the group

❎ Define performance goals


There are two actors onstage discussing politics. Tim reflexively rolls his eyes after Barry makes a comment. Barry responds to Tim's eye roll by saying, “Okay, clearly we need to change the subject.” Barry’s response was due to:

❎ Natural impulse

❎ Script directions

❎ Vocal cues

⭕️ Subtext

