




What are the three phases of IV contrast enhancement?

❎ Arterial, Venous, Delayed

❎ Equilibrium, Portal Venous, Arterial

⭕️ Bolus, Non-Equilibrium, Equilibrium

❎ Velocity, Bolus, Venous


Which factors determine the automatic power injector flow rate during a CT exam?

❎ IV size and location

❎ Type of CT exam

⭕️ All of the above

❎ Speed of CT scanner


What condition is a contraindication to having a patient prep orally with Barium Sulfate?

❎ Iodine allergy

❎ Diarrhea

⭕️ Tracheoesophageal fistula

❎ Constipation


What type of IV contrast agent is rarely used today due to high reaction rates?

❎ Intrathecal

❎ Iso-osmolar

❎ Non-ionic

⭕️ Ionic


What are two negative contrast agents?

❎ Barium sulfate and gastrografin oral contrast

❎ Isomolar and ionic IV contrast

⭕️ Water and air

❎ Intrathecal and intra-articular contrast


What type of IV contrast is the same or less osmolality as blood?

❎ Intrathecal

⭕️ Iso-osmolar

❎ Ionic

❎ Non-ionic


What type of contrast is often used to enhance CT images of the large intestines and the pelvic organs?

❎ Oral barium sulfate

⭕️ Rectal contrast

❎ Intrathecal contrast

❎ Oral water soluble prep

