
役所での手続きは手間 Procedures at city offices are a hassle





Today I went to the city hall to renew my disability certificate and self-support. There were some inaccuracies and unnecessary things, such as my signature was required on the consent form, the number on the copy of my health insurance card was missing so I had to make a copy again, I wrote "National Health Insurance" instead of "Joetsu City", and I didn't need a photo ID, but the procedure itself was completed quickly and I was very relieved.

It's been about two years since I got my certificate. I can only say that I am truly grateful for the discounts and gasoline allowances that I get for having my certificate.

I wish that the renewal procedure would be done automatically without having to go through this procedure. The procedure of collecting the necessary documents is a big hurdle for people with disabilities.

Next to the welfare department, there was a person consulting about welfare. The official's response seemed a little condescending. Living on about 100,000 yen a month is a right of the people guaranteed by the constitution, so I felt that they should accept it with dignity, like celebrities. I wanted to support them. Do your best, keep going.

