
「どうすればよかったか?」を観てきたよ I watched "What Should We Have Done?"







I watched a documentary about schizophrenia. It was in Japanese, but it was a little hard to understand. But I was able to get a good sense of the incomprehensibility of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. I think it's really difficult to put that into words.

The family of the director of the film couldn't accept the disease called schizophrenia, but they accepted the person with it and tried desperately to protect it, I felt. It all seemed to be a matter of how to protect it. I was impressed by how they read the book with love, "Mako-chan, Mako-chan."

If you think about it objectively, it's a brain disease, so maybe they should have connected her to medical treatment sooner, but they didn't. I think that's because the fame the family had gained up until then made it difficult for them to accept the disease as mental illness. But even if the family rejects it, mental illness continues to exist. And the struggle of the person with it continues. Mental illness is a struggle. Of the individual and of society.

I think it was a strength that the younger brother of the person with it went into film. In this way, over the years, she was able to question the world about her sister's life and her way of being.

The patient was cheerful when the right medication was found and she began to get better. That cheerfulness also emphasizes the "abnormality" of the positive symptoms. But as a patient myself, I don't think this is a story where medication solved everything; I feel that the patient was fighting a tremendous battle internally. That "abnormality" is also reality.

When I was faced with a lack of understanding, I was at a loss, and then I wondered how to live my life, it seemed to me that the family in the film were trying to protect their "family" even if it meant putting a padlock on them. And Mako was inside that family. I truly felt that Mako was loved. Mako was loved by her family.

