ワシントンポスト紙 2007年6月14日の全面広告 "THE FACTS"
No historical document has ever been found by historians or research organizations that positively demonstrates that women were forced against their will into prostitution by the Japanese army.
A search of the archives at the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records, which houses wartime orders from the government and military leaders, turned up nothing indicating that women were forcibly rounded up to work as ianfu, or "comfort women."
On the contrary, many documents were found warning private brokers not to force women to work against their will Army memorandum 2197, issued on March 4, 1938, explicitly prohibits recruiting methods that fraudulently employ the army's name or that can be classified as abduction, warning that those employing such methods have been punished.
それどころか、民間の紹介業者が女性の意思に反して働かせないように警告する文書が多数見つかっている。 1938年3月4日に発行された陸軍覚書2197は、軍の名前を詐称したり、拉致に該当するような募集方法を明確に禁止し、そのような方法を取った者は処罰されると警告している。
A Home Affairs Ministry directive (number 77) is sued on February 18, 1938, states that the recruitment of "comfort women'' must be in compliance with international law and prohibits the enslavement or abduction of women. A directive (number 136) is sued on November 8 the same year, moreover, orders that only women who are 21 years old or over and are already professionally engaged in the trade may be recruited as "comfort women." It also requires the approval of the woman's family or relatives.
A historian who claims that the number of "comfort women" reached 200,000-a contention frequently quoted in the US media-believes, on the other hand, that the memorandum offers proof of the army's active involvement.
There are many newspaper articles, moreover, that demonstrate that these directives were dutifully carried out. The August 31, 1939, issue of Dong-A Ilbo, published in Korea, reports of brokers who forced women to become ianfu against their will being punished by the local police, which was under Japanese jurisdiction at the time. This offers proof that the Japanese government dealt severely with inhumane crimes against women.
Unscrupulous Brokers Run Rampant
Abduction of Rural Women and Girls
More than 100 Women Victimized Pusan Police Officers Dash Off to Mukden
PUSAN - Unscrupulous brokers have been conspiring to abduct women from poor families by promising them generous rewards in Manchuria (where Japanese soldiers are claimed to be visiting brothels in swarms). Forty-five such brokers were found to be working in Pusan, where they lured unsuspecting young women away from their families and sold them into prostitution in Manchuria. Over 100 women have already been victimized. Intensive investigation by Pusan police has revealed the identity of a Mukden dealer involved in these activities, and six officers were dispatched in the evening of August 20 to the city to arrest this dealer. The arrest is expected to fully expose the nightmarish activities of these brokers.
There were admittedly cases, though, of breakdowns in discipline. On the island of Semarang in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), for instance, an army unit forcibly rounded up a group of young Dutch women to work at a "comfort station. The station was shut down under army orders, though, when this incident came to light, and the responsible officers were punished. Those involved in this and other war crimes were subsequently tried in Dutch courts and re ceived heavy sentences, including the death penalty.
House Resolution 121 sponsored by US Representative Mike Honda and other charges of Japanese maltreat ment of comfort women" are mostly based on testimon ies by former iantu. In none of their initial statements are there references to their being coerced to work by the army or other units of the Japanese government.
マイク・ホンダ米下院議員が提唱する「House Resolution 121」をはじめとする「日本軍による慰安婦虐待の告発」は、ほとんどが元慰安婦の証言に基づいている。彼女たちの初期の証言には、軍や日本政府の他の組織から強制的に働かされたという記述はない。
Their testimonies have undergone dramatic changes, though, after the start of the anti-Japanese campaign. Those who testified in a House of Representatives public hearing first reported that they were whisked away by brokers, but then later claimed that their abductors wore clothing that looked like police uniforms.
The ianfu who were embedded with the Japanese army were not, as is commonly reported, sex slaves. They were working under a system of licensed print that was common place around the world at the time.
日本軍の元で働いた慰安婦は、一般に言われているような性奴隷ではなかった。 当時、世界的に普及していた免許制度の下で働いていたのだ。
Many of the women, in fact, come income far in excess of what were paid to field officers and even generals (as reported by the United States Office of War Information. Psychological Warfare Team Attached to US Army Force India Burma Theater, APO 689), and there are many testimonies attesting to the fact that they were treated well.
実際、彼女たちの多くは、野戦将校や将軍に支払われていた額をはるかに上回る収入を得ていた。(米国戦争情報局の報告や、アメリカ陸軍インド・ビルマ戦線に派遣された心理戦チームAPO 689)など、彼女たちが厚遇されていたことを証明する証言が数多くある。
There are records of soldiers being punished for acts of violence against the women. Many countries set up brothels for their armies, in fact, to prevent soldiers from commining rape against private citizens (In 1945. for instance, Occupation authorities asked the Japanese government to set up hygienic and safe "comfort stations to prevent rape by American soldiers.
兵士が女性に暴力を振るって処罰された記録もある。 実際、兵士が民間人に対してレイプ行為を行うのを防ぐために、多くの国が自国の兵士のために慰安所を設けていた。(例えば1945年、占領軍当局は日本政府に対し、アメリカ兵によるレイプを防ぐために衛生的で安全な「慰安所」を設置するよう要請した)
Sadly, many women were made to suffer severe hardships during the wretched era during World War II and it is with profound regret that we contemplate this tragic historical reality. At the same time, we must note that is gross and deliberate distortion of reality to content that the Japanese army was guilty "coercing young women into sexual slavery" in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century" as the House Resolution claims. After all, two-fifth of the approximately 20,000 ianfu during the war were Japanese women as detailed in an academic paper by historian Ikuhiko Hata .
悲しいことに、第二次世界大戦中の悲惨な時代に、多くの女性が過酷な目に遭わされたことを考えると、この悲惨な歴史的現実を悔やまずにはいられない。しかし、決議案が主張する、日本軍が「20世紀最大の人身売買事件の一つで、若い女性を強制的に性的奴隷にした」という内容は、現実を意図的に歪曲したものであり看過し得ない。 歴史学者の秦郁彦氏の学術論文によると、戦時中の約2万人の慰安婦のうち5分の2は日本人女性だったという。
We are interested, foremost, in sharing the truth with the American public. Criticism for events that actually occurred must be humbly embraced. But apologies ever unfounded slander and defamation will not only give the public an erroneous impression of historical reality but could negatively affect the friendship between the United States and Japan. We ask only that the Facts be objectively regarded so that we may share a correct perception of history.
Translation of an article demonstrating that there was no organized or force recruitment Misconceptions about comfort women und the japanese military http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/31_S4.pdf