

2022年4月2日 Twitter上で以下の文章を発表しました。

いつもPixel AnglersのTwitterやOpenSeaをご覧いただきありがとうございます。(はじめましての方はこれからどうぞよろしくお願いします。)ピクアン制作運営者のおふだいと申します。

この度「地球環境基金」(https://www.erca.go.jp/jfge/index.html)という、”世界各国または日本国内における民間団体の環境保全活動への助成金を主とする事業“に、Pixel AnglersのNFT収益から必要経費(業務を依頼した制作者様等への謝礼やイベント費用等)を差し引いて残った活動利益の33%を寄付する活動をスタートすることになりました。



この問題に対してはまず当事者である釣り人が発信源となり、釣りに関わらない人も含めた社会全体、地球全体に何かしらの改善のムーブメントを起こしていくことが個々人の責務であると感じていました。そんな中、時代の流れを追う中でNFTの世界に出会い、”釣り人をモチーフにしたピクセルアート”という形で今年2月から参入させていただいた次第です。皆様のおかげで、開始2ヶ月目で0.17 ETH(本日のレートで約71700円)もの収益を残すことができ、いまも驚きと共に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。







2022年4月2日 おふだい(Pixel Anglers)

Thank you for always visiting Pixel Anglers' Twitter and OpenSea.
My name is Ofudai, and I'm the producer and manager of Pixel Anglers.

The Global Environment Fund (https://erca.go.jp/jfge/), a project focused on subsidizing environmental conservation activities by private organizations in Japan or other countries) will start an activity to donate 33% of the remaining profits from Pixel Anglers' NFT revenue minus necessary expenses.

From the beginning, the NFT collection was planned to help preserve the environment of the entire planet, including the waterside involved in fishing.

In the real world of fishing, the number of fishing people has increased due to the covid-19 disaster, and there is a danger that precious fishing spots will be closed and neighborhood troubles will continue.

I felt that it was an individual's responsibility to make some kind of improvement movement throughout society and the entire planet, including those who were not involved in fishing, first of all, to deal with this problem.In the midst of this, I met the world of NFT while following the trend of the times and entered the market in the form of pixel art with the motif of anglers from February this year.Thanks to you, I was able to make as much as 0.17ETH (about 71700 yen at today's rate) in the second month of the start, and I am still surprised and grateful.

I believe that peace is a small daily accumulation of attention to the environment and attention to people.

Environmental protection is part of that.I believe that this plan will continue, in some way or other, to influence future generations, even if it has not been fully achieved in the real sense.

In addition, we will record and publish the donation amount calculation and donation records on tweets and dedicated pages.

Support Pixel Anglers = Improve global environment = Lead to world peace

I will continue to work hard for a long time to make you feel simple.

Thank you so much for reading to the end!!! That's all.

April 2, 2022 (Pixel Anglers)
(*This sentence is a partial revision of the DM I sent you in order to gain the understanding of all the holders in advance.)
