自分のことについて英作文する 仕事
I've been working as an assistant English teacher at a local elementary school for four years. In class, I try to speak only in English because I want to show the students that an ordinary Japanese person speaks English. My physical appearance is exactly Japanese. So every year, students ask me with a surprised expression, "Where are you from?" I answer, "I'm from Fujinomiya and studied here." They look more surprised. I think I have achieved my goal.
I've been working as an assistant English teacher at a local elementary school for four years. In class, I try to speak only in English because I want to show the students that an ordinary Japanese person speaks English. My appearance is very Japanese. So every year the students ask me with a surprised expression, "Where are you from? I answer, "I'm from Fujinomiya and I studied here." They look even more surprised. I think I have achieved my goal.
DeepLは even を入れた。これでより驚いたと表現できるんだ。
Rewrite the following passage more formally.
For the past four years, I have been serving as an assistant English teacher at a local elementary school. During lessons, I make a conscious effort to speak exclusively in English, aiming to demonstrate to my students that it is possible for an ordinary Japanese individual to communicate effectively in the language. My distinctly Japanese appearance often prompts students to ask me, with expressions of astonishment, "Where are you from?" Each time, I reply, "I am from Fujinomiya, and I studied here." Their surprise deepens upon hearing this, and in such moments, I feel confident that I have succeeded in achieving my objective.
Please rewrite the upper passage to talk to elementary school pupils.
I've been teaching English at this school for four years as an assistant teacher. In class, I always try to speak only in English because I want to show you that anyone, even an ordinary Japanese person like me, can speak English. I look very Japanese, so every year, some of you ask me with big, surprised eyes, "Where are you from?" I always answer, "I'm from Fujinomiya, and I studied here." Then you look even more surprised! When I see that, I feel happy because I think I've shown you that learning English is possible for everyone.