大家ビジネスを始めるときに一番気を付けるべきこと (What you should be careful when starting a secondhand house renovating landlord business)
What should salaried workers be aware of when starting a secondhand house renovating landlord business?
There are three main things he/she should be careful.
1. You need to know what kind of houses I shouldn't buy.
2. Don't spend too much on renovations
3. find tenants well
1. You need to know what kind of houses I shouldn't buy.
Since real estate investment is a large amount of money, the most important thing is that you need to have an ability to evaluate a property. In short, it's important to "identify which properties you shouldn't buy."
Among these properties, I would like to break them down into two main categories: "location" and "facilities."
First, where you buy it will be very important. For example, if it's in the center of Tokyo, it's popular, so if you have a good rent setup, you won't have a problem recruiting tenants.
On the other hand, even if you have a house to live in, you can't find a renter because few people would want to live in such an inconvenient place if it was far from the middle of nowhere. In this way, avoid places where there is no rental demand or where it is inconvenient.
Also, if there is no train station nearby, or if there is no parking lot, you will also have trouble finding tenants.
●equipment surface
In terms of equipment, the advice I give beginners is to avoid "leaking," "tilting," and "drawing."
Leaks can cause damage to an entire house, especially if left unattended for many years. Among wooden houses, which account for more than 80% of all houses in Japan, the most important thing to keep in mind is water (humidity). Leaks are less of a problem if treated immediately after they occur, but if left unattended for many years, the wood will be damaged and it will be very difficult to repair.
You may not have to worry a little about the tilt, but if the window won't close because of the tilt, for example, it will be difficult to repair and it will be difficult for you to find tenants.
“Vault Toilet" (“kumitori toilet” in Japanese) is also really unpopular in these days and has difficulty finding tenants.
2. Don't spend too much on renovations
Along with buying a property, renovations are a big expense, so how to control this is a big point. Prices can vary greatly from one remodeling contractor to another, and some will charge you a lot of money, so try to get quotes from multiple contractors. Another point that beginners tend to fall into is "overrenovating." It would be ideal if the interiors and facilities could be new, but just because you spend a lot of money doesn't mean you get a proportional rent. Besides, people who apply in the first place are not expecting a new-build house as much as they are renting a used one. Therefore, it is better to keep the renovation area to a decent level (means it does not have a BEST quality) where the residents do not have difficulty in living, and keep using the usable items even if they are old.
3. find tenants well
You can't find tenants without the help of a real estate agent. After the renovation is finished, ask the real estate agent to refer you to the property. These days, the overwhelming majority of people look for real estate on the Internet, so first check three things: "At Home," "Suumo" and "Homes," list the real estate agencies that list properties in your area on the Internet, and ask them for their help in recruiting tenants. I also try to visit as many real estate agents as I can and ask for them. In particular, we go around as many major franchises as we can, including Apaman Shop, Able, Pitatto House and Mini Mini. I would also like to ask for other local real estate agents who place importance on local network connections that are not listed online. Then ask the real estate agent about how much is the appropriate rent , or what kind of equipment makes it easier to decide who will move in. Since they know the local area well, you may be able to get a lot of valuable information. If you say that pets are allowed, and foreigners are allowed in the application process, it will be easier for residents to gather.
We have explained the three points to be aware of: property purchase, renovation, and tenant recruitment. The points raised today are just general points to keep in mind about secondhand house renovating landlord business, and each property itself is actually different, so you'll need to examine one by one for details.