
The Uncanny Valley of AI Translation

With the development of AI, some people might think tranlation has become a thing of the past and of little value and that it is no longer necessary to learn any foreign languages. 

Indeed, as far as translation is concerned, there seems to be little to be desired. If you use AI, you can put what you've written in Japanese into English in a matter of seconds. Very useful! There are few grammatical errors in what AI translates. However, there is something awkward in AI's tranlation although I can't pinpoint the reason why. 

I wonder where such awkwardness comes from. Without it, I would be able to use AI both in weaving a story and in writing an essay. But as there is something awkward in sentences generated by AI, I don't feel like totally relying upon AI. At present, when I post my articles on SNS, I never pretend that what AI has written is my own writing. 

Last but not least, when I use AI, I always distinguish what AI has written from what I myself have written. When I write something by using AI, I will be sure to tell the reader that I've used it. 

I wrote this article without using AI nor any dictionaries. 

Thank you for reading. 



山根あきら | 妄想哲学者