ユニット名が新たに「Tee House Brothers」となりました!
「Tee House Brothers」と改め活動していきます。

その名の如く、我らがスタジオTee Houseで20代から共に遊び磨いて来た2人の共通の場所であり、このTee Houseという名は小竹直が名付け親でもあり、とても縁が深いのでこの名にしました。
尚、Tada-Shin BANDも同様に「Tee House Brothers BAND」と改め活動して行きます。

We have an announcement to make.
We are changing our name from "Tada-Shin" to "Tee House Brothers". As the name suggests, we decided on this name because our studio "Tee House" is a common place for both of us who have been playing there for many years and we have a strong connection with the place. Tada-Shin BAND will also change its name to "Tee House Brothers BAND".
Best regards, everyone!