2024年のダナン最後の宿 14個目。広さ詐欺と野犬チーム
Fraudulent advertising and stray dog team.

12/2 から 3泊しました。
値段 1泊 2人迄 $14.52 (実際に請求された価格)
②部屋が広い 30㎡の記載
③値段 $12.50 (ブッキングドットコムで予約時の価格)



ダナン湾の河口付近に建設されたベトナムで最も長い吊り橋 6年もの建設期間を経て2009年7月19日に開通し、グエンタットタイン(Nguyen Tat Thanh)とホアンサ・チュオンサの2つの沿岸ルートを結んでいます。
また、フエ(Thành phố Huế)やホイアン(Thành phố Hội An)など近隣の地方とダナンを結ぶ重要な橋。長さ1,850m、幅18m メインスパンの長さは405m 2本ある主塔の高さは80m。この橋は、ベトナムで最も長い吊り橋。およそ1兆ドンが投資され 中国、キューバ、カナダからの支援を含む推計6500億ドン (約4200万US$)の費用で建設された。




さて無事にビザもらってベトナム再入国なるか!? お告げは陸路でタイとでてます 爆
旅友ビザ発給状態の速報、どうやらベトナムビザ難航決定!12/5に出国後のアップデートのラストチャンスは完璧に見逃したようだ。本日12/10 9am のホーチミン行きフライトは乗れなかった (おめえのベトナムビザへの勝手な思い込みが一番の浪費だよ)
Poor cost performance. The room rate is high at $14.52 per night. 4.52 higher than the previous room. If you're worried about the cost of international travel, this is the cost you should save, and you can control.This is the cost to save!
*Room size fraud: It says 30㎡, but when I used the measurement app it was 19㎡.
*Bed is small
*The air conditioner is uncomfortable: Even though he was leaving the country, he developed a cold due to a sore throat.
*The window is broken and smell of garbage and flies are coming from outside.
*Water keep after showering: The angle is not good enough and it doesn't dry and stays there forever.
*the bathroom fan is doesn't work, so the smell of feces and moisture.
*Inconvenient location: About 1 mile to ATM. The kitchen cannot be used because there is no pot.
It's not the hotel's fault, but there are 4-5stray dogs in this area, making it difficult to take a walk. One is a relatively large German shepherd.
By the way, <let’s take a look about Tragic Trigger> It seems that the hotel was make last Da Nang beautifully day , but I think it had the opposite effect.
(hard trip then I got cold also after entry Malaysia )
Trigger ①
This area we don’t know,so need research.(This effort uses physical strength, so it should be avoided before traveling. He seems to think that he is unbelievable unbreakable or something?)
Trigger ②
he start to worry about money and get nervous.
(decreased physical)
For the past few days, he has been extremely worried about the cost of staying there and has been barking from time to time, but now that the cost of the accommodation here has added like fuel to the fire, barking more intense.$4.52x3=fucking 13.56 though dummy !!
③got sick.
seems bit nurvas international flight. was suffering from a sore throat, sneezing, and a runny nose due to the anxiety from combination of ① and ②.
<So His visa status as of today 12/9>
day5 Malaysia. No response from Vietnamese immigration office . BUT!! The lucky guy who got a reply on just next day After arriving in Kuala Lumpur, he updated the information again at the airport.However, the next day, Friday received an email asking him to fill in all the blanks. (if it first update add Day and phone# ? )
i think He missed last chance.
Kuala Lumpur - Ho Chi Minh $57 including seat fee it is oh just forget it
Looks like there's an announcement about an overland route to Thailand LOL