
As a human being.

First of all,  I won't say that "I'm a thinker but others are not" or "I'm educating myself, so I'm gonna teach you".  When I touch on "Japanese", I include myself in it.  
Second, I apologise in advance that this article would be hard to read because my English is imperfect.

What for I should stand?

I'm thinking about the movement happening all over the world for the past week.  Yes, the series of "Black Lives Matter".  I would like to say as the basic premise, I AM ANTI-RACIST.  I protest against to all kinds of racism, and I go against not only the racism but every each kind of discrimination like relates to religion, gender and of course, LGBTQs. Even if there are reasons of discrimination and no matter how those looks right, I clearly say NO.
Also, of course, it does never mean that I think "Other Lives Don't Matter" by raising voice of "Black Lives Matter".

Based on that, I would like to talk about the discrimination against black people spread over the US.  I've known there is the problem, and I've wished that black people can enjoy their true freedom without being threatened. However, specially speak about myself, I wondered that the wish I had was temporary, like when I watched a film about the segregation, I read a book about it and so on.  Hey me, you just emphasise with the story of decades ago or even centuries ago, don't you?  Ah... well... maybe, ...yes.  I'm ashamed to admit that I even thought that there are some equalities in a way.
So this time, THIS TIME, I wanted to DO something.  Didn't want to be like me in the past.  I didn't want to just jump on the movement, post the black square on the Instagram with #blackouttuesday without any faith or thought, and do nothing.  I wanted to do something, at least wanted to have my own faith.  That's why I was thinking over one week getting news and information.

In a word, I was afraid that from which angle I look the problem when I heard about the discrimination and I'm grieved.

Racism for me as Japanese

Being racist with clear conscious is minority, in my opinion.  Many of racists are unconscious.  The discriminations are too normal in their lives or too systemic to notice.  The segregation in social system or subtle differences of  people's attitudes are invisible from the people having superiority.  They can't notice that they are favoured.

I think many of Japanese people have scant sense in racism.  Many of them would imagine the problem between Black and White when they heard the word "racism".  I wasn't an exception.  I always thought and said about the outside apart from problems in my country.  But... how about the discrimination against outcast people?  How about the discrimination against Chinese and Korean?  How about the discrimination against the immigrants? Have I ever imagined that how fearful being treated as a non-Japanese, or a foreigner in Japan is?  It's a country having such a strong pressure to conform.  Oh no, I haven't.  Even though there are not any differences in importance as human being, one side says that it's superior to the other and take lands, language, people, religion and culture.  Moreover, it force its language, sense of value and so on.  That compulsion becomes ordinary thing and is taken over generations.  Now it has become stead systemic racism or unconscious racism.
Japanese living in Japan who are neither double nor immigrants (including descendants) have privileges to live in Japan.  You know what I mean?  I'm looked down sometimes just because I'm a female or I have poor career, but I don't need to feel being threatened.  That's only because I'm totally Japanese.  This is why I couldn't imagine.  And this is almost all same with the white privilege said in the world.  So, no matter how we, Japanese, protest against the White superiority, it doesn't make sense and it looked even disrespectful to the black people if the reason of protesting is "we are yellow and we could be segregated".
Then, which position do we have to stand? At least, for this "discrimination against black people" problem, we must stand as a third party or even offenders if we can. But NEVER as victims.

What is the base of unconscious racism

African-American people are threatened their lives for centuries.  They have never had equal rights to white people.  They had brought those matters up again and again and again till now and those voices made some improvement of their social status. However, it's not enough yet.  Lights are not definite.  Literally they have the franchises, freedom to choose their occupation and some other rights, but clearly there is differentials between them and whites.  The gap is increasing every single day.  The choices narrowed down only because they are black.  They can't get what white enjoys in the ordinary way.
Maybe it's easy to understand if I say in different words.  It's a same mechanism with Japan's men society has not changed for decades and decades.  People who have superiority by nature never notice what they have.  If female and feminists raise voice against the predominance of men over women, many men say that it's a sexism against men and shut us up.  Or, they say we are all equal under the law.  It's all the same.  Black people don't demand predominance over white people, they demand same rights and security as white people have, which are literally given in the law but actually not in the daily life. Indeed, some of white people say "White Lives Matter".
They are labeled as sneaky (or something bad) black just because they are black. Just because there are some black people have done illegal thing.  In the murder of Mr. George Floyd and the murder of Ms. Breonna Taylor, surely the label would affected in the cops minds.  "He/She must be the criminal (because using this fake bill. / because living this flat.)"  I won't defend the cops, no.  I just thought that biases planted during their growth pop up suddenly even if they are usually not racists. 

Can we change?

What we must do from now on is abolishing such unconscious racism.  For that, we have to realise that it won't be improved by voices of victims.  If you are white people, you have to notice your white privilege and superiority.  Unless white people who have real power to change the society in this moment realise, the world never changes.  If you are neither black nor white, you need to keep self educating about their history and watching both side from the position of the third party. When white people do nothing or never compromise, the third party have to support the weak and make movements for them.

The reasons why the racism problem especially black segregation in the US is easy to be much talked about and the movement becomes worldwide are because many foreign people know some parts of their history like the Civil War and there are some communities or many people regard the problem, I think.  So, if this problem goes better and right way, the world will drastically change.  But more important thing is we don't think it's all done.  In the US, native Americans are discriminated and many Asian people are looked down.  Of course, those problems happen in all over the world.  The White Australia policy against aboriginal people, discrimination against Maoris, the oppression over Uighurs and hate speeches against Koreans in Japan.  Those are all racism without regard to if those are intentional or unconscious.  Unless something goes better, nothing will change. Then, this powerful surge might be a good chance to all.  The world is paying attention to BLM and consequently it looks others are ignored in a way, but it's not true.  If people focus on others separately, the surge doesn't happen.  All the waves become ripples.
It happened in the mayoral election of Kyoto city, Japan in last February.  Many citizens wanted to change the mayor, but there were 2 more candidates.  You can imagine what happened, can't you?  Many of votes were separated to 2 candidates and incumbent mayor won again.  Now we are in the shitty situation. (Sorry for language, btw.) 

Raise my voice

I raise my voice.
To indicate my faith of anti-racism, I raise my voice for BLM.
It is because I feel antipathy to racism as a human being.  It is because I believe that people should never be place neither above nor below the other because of colour, religion, sexuality, gender and any other factors.  This is my faith.
So, if the sprechchor would change, for example Black turns to Red, Brown, of course Yellow, Trans and even White (unlikely to happen though), I'll say aloud it as far as it goes with my faith.

For the discriminations by white people against black people or indigenous people, I will voice opposition as a third person.
For the discriminations itself against black people or indigenous people, I will oppose it as Japanese = an offender.  We have/had conquered and plundered indigenous people's and East-Asian people's country, culture and lives.
And when the discussion goes to the discriminations against Asian people, I will protest as a Japanese, as an Asian, and I will dispatch our situation composedly.  

I still know nothing, but I will keep learning and self-educating.  Even if the movement became small before its solution, I have to keep searching the news and new information.  It has not ended for centuries, and that means still we have to fight.  I need to feel that the problems are close to me, learning history and trying to know now.

Thank you for reading.

