
That Which I Never Want to Forget

Perhaps many of us thought 2020 would be a “big” year but suffice to say, the present situation was not exactly what we had in mind.

COVID-19, or Corona Virus Disease 2019, has affected the lives of human beings all around the world.When news of the deadly virus first appeared, my understanding was that people most at risk of dying as a result of infection were senior citizens, pregnant women, people with underlying health conditions.  However, numerous sources have warned that this does not mean younger people should take infection lightly; several young people have ended up in intensive care as a result of contracting the virus. I imagine such an ordeal could possibly leave one with traces of trauma. Furthermore, anyone could contract the virus and without knowing they have it, spread it to others.

For that reason, lockdowns have occurred in different regions around the world and in Tokyo (where I currently live) many shops are temporarily closed for business and some schools have chosen to delay opening.  

“I've never seen such a thing happen” is what many people are saying.

Could it be that when we see something happen we've never seen before, we are triggered to think of something we've never thought of before? A time for forging our creativity. An outpouring of fresh new ideas.Could it be human instinct to react in such a way? 

I read COVID-19 news related headlines everyday, then I read as much of the article as I can bear, and I worry, and I wonder, but much, if not most, of my energy is invested in prayer and in doing something which will help to alleviate any anxiety I might have.

The wisdom cultivated through my prayer tells me something.I acknowledge it, I hold on to it tight.It is this that I never want to forget. And that is ...

Though so much has changed, there is still something unique to us as humans, that has not changed. Something which helps us to carry on, even in the face of unprecedented challenges such as the corona virus. 

Isn't it something we might call “heart-to-heart communication”?

I am still in a process of healing myself… and one thing I believe in and have gratitude for is the power of heart-to-heart communication. One person's heart communicating something of value to another.It's this kind of communication that has helped a great deal in my healing--whether it be a phone call with my parents, a message from an old friend, a show or movie I watch on Netflix, a story or passage I read in a book, even a Twitter post.When I think about it, I clearly recognize that the warm feeling I feel in my heart as a result of receiving that special “something”, is thanks to the heart of the person or people who made it possible.One thing that being human has taught me is that humans do things based on what is in their hearts.And based on what is in their hearts,those things can touch the hearts of others in a positive way or otherwise. 

So, yes… corona virus is an invisible disease that can end a human life.However, there is also an invisible force transmitted through the words we write and say.There is no need to touch each other to transmit it. It can be felt in our hearts regardless of of the distance between us. 

I imagine that now more than ever, more and more of us human beings are seeking out the things that transmit hope to our hearts. And when we are feeling up to it, we send some of that hope to others.  Hence, I have written this humble blog post.
