
世界遺産「アヴィニョン歴史地区」についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


The Historical District of Avignon, France

The city of Avignon, situated along the serene banks of the Rhône River, is renowned for its rich historical significance due to the presence of the Papal Palace. During the 14th century, this city experienced a period of remarkable prosperity when it became the seat of the popes. The Papal Palace itself is a monumental structure that symbolizes the city's former glory and importance in religious and political affairs. For example, it was here that several popes and antipopes resided, transforming Avignon into a center of art and culture.

The historical district of Avignon is not just famous for the Papal Palace, but also for its well-preserved medieval walls and the Pont Saint-Bénézet, commonly known as the Pont d'Avignon. These walls, which were built to protect the city from invaders, now serve as a testament to its past, attracting visitors from around the world. The bridge, although now partially destroyed, was once an important crossing over the Rhône and is immortalized in the famous French song, "Sur le Pont d'Avignon."

However, the flourishing of Avignon during the papal period also had its setbacks. The concentration of political and religious power in one city led to conflicts and the eventual schism within the Catholic Church. This division weakened the Church's influence and led to a series of events that would challenge its authority for centuries to come.

Avignon's historical district offers a unique glimpse into the past, where architecture and history converge to tell the story of a city that was once at the heart of European religion and politics. Its preservation allows us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of medieval life, providing a tangible connection to the events and people who shaped our world.


  1. Avignon's historical significance is primarily due to:

    • A) Its location on the Rhône River

    • B) The construction of its medieval walls

    • C) Being the seat of the popes in the 14th century

    • D) The famous French song about the Pont d'Avignon

  2. The Papal Palace in Avignon symbolizes:

    • A) Its importance in religious and political affairs

    • B) The city's military strength

    • C) The division within the Catholic Church

    • D) The city's economic prosperity

  3. The preservation of Avignon's historical district allows visitors to:

    • A) Witness the power of the French monarchy

    • B) Appreciate the beauty and complexity of medieval life

    • C) Understand the importance of the Rhône River in trade

    • D) Learn about modern French culture


  1. 回答: C) Being the seat of the popes in the 14th century
    解説: 14世紀に教皇庁が置かれたことがアヴィニョンの歴史的重要性の主な理由であり、この期間中に町は著しい繁栄を経験しました。

  2. 回答: A) Its importance in religious and political affairs
    解説: 教皇宮殿は、アヴィニョンが宗教と政治の事柄で重要な役割を果たしたことを象徴しています。ここでは、複数の教皇や対立教皇が居住し、町を芸術と文化の中心地に変えました。

  3. 回答: B) Appreciate the beauty and complexity of medieval life
    解説: アヴィニョンの歴史地区の保存は、訪問者が中世の生活の美しさと複雑さを理解することを可能にし、当時の出来事や人々との具体的なつながりを提供します。







