How and when to hire a criminal lawyer

Hiring a criminal attorney is not always easy. Usually, we need their services urgently, and we cannot look for a good professional. Further, most people do not have a reference criminal lawyer.

However, it is important to have a criminal attorney around, as we may need one at any time.

Today we are going to address three frequently asked questions that can come up when hiring a criminal lawyer:

When to hire a criminal lawyer?
How to choose the best criminal lawyer?
 Can I change my criminal lawyer?
When to hire a criminal lawyer
We have already explained on other occasions the advantages of hiring a lawyer preventively. And it is that preventing damage before it is done is the best way to avoid problems and save costs.

However, we know that the criminal order is darker than others. It is common for a citizen to have a labor lawyer (who helps him with his employment contracts), a fascist (who makes him the income statement), or a civil lawyer ( who has arranged an inheritance). But it is less common for us to meet a skilled criminal.

And this because we tend to think:

That we are not going to commit any crime, this is not completely within our reach because although they are exceptional, our Penal Code recognizes some reckless crimes.

That we are not going to be victims of any crime, and this is completely out of our reach.

However, these situations are indeed unlikely in our daily lives. Unless we run a company, in which case we must be especially cautious. Therefore:

If we are individuals, it does not hurt that we meet a criminal lawyer. Otherwise, we should know the resources we have at our disposal to find one in record time.

If we are entrepreneurs, we should, in any case, have a trusted criminal lawyer. Programs compliance is increasingly important, and if the damage is done, we will need legal aid. That is why it is crucial to meet a criminal attorney who can get us out of a bind.

In any case, if we do not have the preventive services of a criminal lawyer, we should be prepared to hire him as soon as necessary. The terms of the criminal process are tight, and its consequences are severe. So if we receive a summons or are arrested, we will have to hire a criminal lawyer immediately.

How to choose the best criminal lawyer
Without detracting from the general lawyers (whose services are beneficial on certain occasions), the best criminal lawyer is probably a specialized professional. Douglas Crawford Law is a highly compartmentalized discipline. Each type of matter follows a particular course and requires specific knowledge and skills.

Therefore, when hiring a criminal lawyer, we should verify that he is a specialist. Further, some criminal lawyers focus on specific fields of criminal law. For example, crimes against:



The right to own image and privacy.

The intellectual property.

The patrimony and the socioeconomic order.

Ultimately, the more specialized our criminal lawyer is, the more likely they will defend our interests successfully.

Another element of vital importance is the references. Nowadays, it is easy to get comments, opinions, and references from customers. 

The references will provide us with relevant information about the way our criminal lawyer works. Do you communicate efficiently with the customer? Do you meet the conditions of the order? Are you involved in the matter? Each of us has priorities, and we can probably check if our criminal lawyer meets them through the feedback from their clients.

Price and quality of criminal lawyer services
Speaking of personal preferences, there are always two that stand out from the rest: quality or quantity?

Regarding the quantity (we are referring to the price), you should bear in mind that a good criminal lawyer's services are not always cheap. Besides, the law governs the principle of freedom to set fees. This means that what two criminals ask of you In general, it is not a good idea to opt for the cheapest services. On the contrary, before accepting the most expensive ones, check that the price corresponds to good service. However, this element depends on the personal circumstances. of each one.

Regarding quality, we have already pointed out that a good indicator is customer feedback. You can also consult your criminal lawyer on other matters like yours to see if they control the matter. Since, in most cases, you will not be able to verify if what he tells you is true or not, you can always ask for a second opinion. If you do it with a doctor, why not do it with a lawyer?

Can I change my criminal lawyer?
We take advantage of the fact that we have mentioned the second opinion to give you some advice that you should follow once you have hired your criminal lawyer. It is more than recommended that the matter be handled by the same lawyer from beginning to end.

But you should know that you have complete freedom for the appointment of your lawyer. This means that you will be able to change your criminal prosecutor throughout the process if you wish.
