(Genesis 26:22) And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, “For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”
(創世記26:22)彼はそこから移って、別の井戸を掘った。そこで彼はその名をレホボテと名づけた。「主が私たちのために場所を設けてくださったので、私たちはその地で実を結ぶであろう 」と言ったからである。
It is dangerous to live with people who have intense dislike for you. Especially when you are not aware of their intentions. And in this world, you may not be able to know the intentions of others unless you get some clue from them, or they speak or act in a certain way. The best way to know humans is by listening to the Holy Spirit for He is the creator of man. This year is a year that God will separate you from your haters.
God will put a final separation between you and your haters as you stay in prayer today. The reason is, you are going to be extremely successful and fruitful throughout 2025. No wonder Abimelech told Isaac to depart from them, for he was mightier than them (Genesis 26:16). In Genesis Chapter 26, we see Isaac re-dug the old wells his father Abraham had which had been destroyed by the Philistines (Genesis 26:16-21). Whenever he re-dug the wells, water came forth. His haters never liked it, so they kept fighting him until he dug the well we see in Genesis 26:22. This time, his haters did not quarrel with him. So, he called that well Rehoboth, and said, “for now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.” This year you shall be fruitful alround. Halleluyah! Spend time in prayer and fellowship with the Spirit of God. Declare that you are not dwelling with your haters this year in Jesus mighty name.
Confession: I am a mighty man of valor. I am anointed and very blessed. God shall put a final separation between me and my haters this year. The God who prospered Isaac shall prosper me this year. I shall have an all-round rest.
告白する: 私は勇敢な男です。私は油注がれ、とても祝福されています。神は今年、私と私の憎しみとの間に最終的な別れを置かれる。イサクを栄えさせた神は、今年も私を栄えさせるだろう。私は全能の休息を得よう。
Say this if you have never been born again. I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Bernard and Team
Facebook: Pastor Bernard Efa
YouTube: Pastor Bernard Efa
Instagram: Bernard Bahaah Akwasi Efa