

(Psalms 20:6) Now know I that the LORD saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand. (詩編20:6 今わたしは知る、主はその油そそがれた者を助けられることを。主はその右の手による大いなる勝利をもってその聖なる天から彼に答えられるであろう。

The right hand of God, as explained in previous articles means the place of power and authority. 


This is where the Christian dwells in the realm of the spirit today. God’s saving strength or rescuing power comes from his right hand.

これは、クリスチャンが今日の霊の領域に住んでいる場所です。 神の救いの力や救いの力は彼の右手から来ています。

 This is where the power is. Dear one, do you realise nothing can get out of your hands now?

ここに力があります。 親愛なる人、あなたは今あなたの手から何も抜け出せないことに気づいていますか?

 Don’t worry about any bad issues or circumstances you may be facing in life.


 Change is possible, for his saving strength from his right hand is yours now. Use it to rescue your life, business, academics, ministry, marriage, and all other areas of concern to you today. Halleluyah!

彼の右手からの彼の救いの強さは今あなたのものであるため、変化は可能です。 あなたの人生、ビジネス、学者、ミニストリー、結婚、そして今日あなたが関心を持っている他のすべての分野を救うためにそれを使ってください。 ハレルヤ!

Meditation: (Psalms 20:6) Now know I that the LORD saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strengthH1369 of his right hand.
Activity: Declare total rescue for all that concerns you today by the saving strength from his right hand.
Confession: My life is rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My business is rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My marriage is rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My children are rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My academics is rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My career is rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My dreams and goals are rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. My ministry is rescued by the saving strength of his right hand. The saving strength of his right hand will always be available for my use. Halleluyah!

If you have never been born again then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Ben and Team
Whatsap us on +233207757131

mailing for English : bbahaah@gmail.com

