

(John 17:22) And the glory which you gave me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: わたしは、あなたからいただいた栄光を彼らにも与えました。それは、わたしたちが一つであるように、彼らも一つになるためであります。

Based on our theme scripture, do you realise it is wrong to call on God to give you glory? Jesus already gave you all his glory. 

私たちのテーマの聖句に基づいて、あなたは、あなたに栄光を与えるように神に求めるのは間違っていることに気づいていますか? イエスはすでにあなたにすべての栄光をお与えになりました。

The word glory in our theme scripture means honour, praise, and dignity.


 Right now declare that you are a person of dignity, praise, and honour. Hallelujah! What you need to do is to walk in this glory. 

今、あなたは尊厳、賞賛、そして名誉のある人であると宣言してください。 ハレルヤ! あなたがする必要があるのは、この栄光の中を歩くことです。

You will be able to walk in this glory as you give yourself to the Word of God, prayer, and the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Shout, “I have the glory of Jesus”.

神のことば、祈り、聖霊の導きに身をゆだねながら、この栄光の中を歩くことができるようになります。 「私にはイエスの栄光があります」と叫びます。

 When he said, “I have given them the glory I had with the Father” he was referring to both the Apostles and you (John 17:20 I do not pray for these alone; but also for those who will believe in Me through their word). 


Be conscious of this glory so that you can pull his praise, honou,r and dignity into your life, academics, marriage, ministry, business, and every facet of your life. Praise God!

彼の称賛、名誉、尊厳をあなたの人生、学者、結婚、奉仕、ビジネス、そしてあなたの人生のあらゆる面に引き込むことができるように、この栄光を意識してください。 神を賛美しましょう!

Meditation: (John 17:22) And the glory which you gave me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:
Activity: Spend quality time in prayer today and declare that you have the glory of Jesus. Also declare that this glory is manifesting in every aspect of your life from now on.
Confession: I am a dignified person. I am honoured and praised. I have the glory of Jesus Christ. This glory is expressed in my life from now on. I have his glory. Praise God!
If you have never been born again then make the confession below.
I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.
You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.
Prepared by Ps. Ben and Team
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