

(Psalm 72:7) “In His days the righteous shall flourish, And abundance of peace, Until the moon is no more.”

In the Old Testament section of the Bible Psalm 72 speaks of the best king that there can ever be! Bible scholars believe that David wrote it for his son, Solomon; but in the New Testament, it can only speak of Jesus. For Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of all Lords. He is the first and the last. He is the best King ever. 

Our theme Scripture reveals a striking truth that ought to happen during His reign. The Bible records in Romans 5:17 that “For if by one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” This shows that Jesus Christ is reigning, but He is doing it through the Christian. 
私たちのテーマとなる聖句は、イエスの統治の間に起こるべき驚くべき真理を明らかにしている。聖書はローマ人への手紙5章17節にこう記している。"一人の人の罪によって死が支配されたのであれば、恵みと義の賜物とを豊かに受ける人々は、イエス・キリストというお方によって、いのちを支配されるのです。" これは、イエス・キリストが支配しておられることを示すが、キリストはクリスチャンを通して支配しておられるのである。

Our theme Scripture for today declares that in the days of the BEST KING, the righteous shall flourish, and peace will be abundant until the moon is no more.

This shows that your time to flourish is now. The word “flourish” as used in Psalm 72:7 means spread, fly, blossom, and spring. The Scripture ends by saying, “Until the moon is no more”. This means you will spread, fly, blossom, and spring past the moon and all that it represents. The moon is a representation of time. It also speaks of the activities that go on in the night. Some people also derive their strength and power from the moon. From this moment, you shall spread, fly, blossom, and spring past evil activities that go on at night. You will gain control of your time and outcompete people who strive with you with the power of the moon. 
この聖句は、あなたたちが栄える時が今であることを示している。詩篇72:7で使われている "栄える "という言葉は、広がる、飛ぶ、咲く、春を意味する。聖句は最後に「月がなくなるまで」と言っている。これは、月と月が象徴するものすべてを越えて、あなたが広がり、飛び立ち、花を咲かせ、春を迎えることを意味している。月は時間を表している。また、夜に繰り広げられる活動の象徴でもある。また、月から力やパワーを得る人もいる。この瞬間から、あなたたちは広がり、飛び、咲き誇り、春になる。

You will earn handsomely at the end of the month. Begin to pray and declare that you are flourishing. Add that from this time you are flying past the moon and all that it represents. 

Confession: I am spreading, flying, blossoming, and springing past the moon and all it represents to the glory of God. My time won’t go waste again. Evil activities that go on during the night shall not affect me anymore. I am flourishing by the power of the Holy Ghost and in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Hallelujah! 
告白する: 私は神の栄光のために、月と月が象徴するものすべてを越えて、広がり、飛び、花開き、湧き上がる。私の時間は二度と無駄にならない。夜の間に行われる邪悪な活動も、もう私には影響しない。聖霊の力によって、ナザレのイエス・キリストの御名によって、私は花開く。ハレルヤ!

Say this if you have never been born again. I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead. 

You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.

Prepared by Ps. Bernard and Team

Facebook: Pastor Bernard Efa

YouTube: Pastor Bernard Efa

Instagram: Bernard Bahaah Akwasi Efa
