

(Colossians 2:15) And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it.
(コロサイ2:15) 主は、諸権力と権力とを打ち負かされ、その中で、公然と彼らに勝利して見せられた。

According to Colossians 2:15, Jesus put off principalities and powers. Halleluyah! The word translated principalities in our theme scripture talks of evil spirits that begin the implementation of evil plans. The word can also mean rule or principle. Are you aware, we have evil principles and rules in almost every country in the world? Can you think of some? Some of these principles or rules can even become the culture of a sect, tribe, or a nation. Powers in our scripture of study connotes evil right, force, or token of control. In our world today, we hear of people calling for their rights, yet their practices are against the natural use of men and women (Romans 1:26-28). When you hear of these, just know it is these principalities and powers that are at work. The good news is, Jesus overcame them. Stand in this victory as a Christian and halt their works in your life, family, academics, business, marriage and what have you. In the Amplified version of the Bible, our theme scripture is rendered as “[God] disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him (Jesus) and in it [the cross of Jesus Christ]. Halleluyah! Spend quality time in prayer today and destroy the works of principalities and powers in your life, marriage, academics, business, etc. Declare in prayers that these evil spirits have been disarmed whilst you have been armed with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Confession: God has disarmed principalities and powers that were ranged against me in Christ. Jesus made a public show of them by triumphing over them, by the power of his cross. This victory belongs to me now. I am master over principalities and powers. I cast out demons. I am anointed. I am blessed. I am the one with the authority and I am in office ruling and dictating the affairs of my life. Praise God!
告白 神はキリストにあって、私に敵対していた諸権威を武装解除された。イエスは十字架の力によって、彼らに勝利し、公に示されました。この勝利は今、私のものです。私は諸権力に対する支配者である。私は悪霊を追い出す。私は油注がれている。私は祝福されている。私は権威ある者であり、私の人生を支配し、指図する立場にある。神をたたえよ!

If you have never been born again then make the confession below.

I declare from today that Jesus Christ is my Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead.

You can begin to attract God’s goodness into your life from today.

Prepared by Ps. Bernard and Team

Facebook: Pastor Bernard Efa

YouTube: Pastor Bernard Efa

Instagram: Bernard Bahaah Akwasi Efa
