#171 英検3級ライティングの添削⑥
1. 添削前の英文
Q. Which do you like better, rice or bread ?
I like bread better. I have two reasons. First, I eat it without cooking. Second, bread is for sale at convenience stores, so I can eat at once.
2. 直したほうがいい箇所(太字)
I like bread better. I have two reasons. First, I eat it without cooking. Second, bread is for sale at convenience stores, so I can eat at once.
I like bread better. I have two reasons.
→ I like bread better for two reasons.
・なぜ I を2回書くのか理由がわからない。
First, I eat it without cooking.
→ First, bread can be eaten without baking, so I can save more time.
Second, bread is for sale at convenience stores, so I can eat at once.
→ Second, bread are sold at convenience stores, so I can eat anytime.
・for sale は、ふだんは売りに出されていないものが一時的に売りに出されるときに使う表現である。
・I can eat at once.「直ちに食べることができる」は意味がわからない。I can eat anytime. 「いつでも食べられる」ということ?
